
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WIP Wednesday {6.20.2012}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

It's been quite the busy week around these parts, my birthday was on Monday, (so far 30 isn't too bad!) so since the hubs was working this past weekend, I thought it fitting to take myself on a little 30th birthday shop hop to a few of my favorite local quilt shops.  I came home with a good bit of loot that I'm looking forward to turning into something fun soon.  He also picked up on my not-so-subtle hints as to what I wanted for my birthday, and came home with this little guy on Saturday night:


I could hardly contain my excitement, he went far above what I was ever expecting with this beauty.  I've been spending the last few days trying to figure out how it works (aside from auto mode) and cannot believe how great the pictures are!

As for what else I've been working on, here's whats new:

In progress

X Marks the Spot baby quilt


I put the finishing touches on this baby quilt top last night and am thrilled with how it came together.  My mother in law asked if I could squeeze in a last minute baby quilt for a cousin who just had a baby, and who am I to say no.

I already had one block in the works, with the three others planned out, so by adding borders and sashing, it brought the four blocks up to a nice baby quilt size.  Plus, since the HSTs are actually left overs from my Swoon quilt, this little guy came together super quick.  A few people asked for a tutorial on this block, so I'll be back tomorrow with a tutorial for a 12.5" version of this block.

Completed Projects

Jungle Path Moda Bake Shop tutorial

Moda Bake Shop Jungle Path baby quilt

Yesterday my very first Moda Bake Shop tutorial was posted!  In case you missed it, here's the link to the tutorial.

Kitchen Facelift


We put on our Bob Vila hats once again last week and finally put the finishing touches on our kitchen project!  We still need to track down white outlet covers that work with our outlet arrangements, but aside from that, were calling this one finished.  Full post complete with before and afters here.

That about sums up this weeks goings-on!  Be sure to stop over to Freshly Pieced and say hi to Sukie who is guest hosting the party this week!  


  1. Happy belated birthday! Both of those quilts are awesome and your kitchen looks great!!!

  2. Once again, I love the baby quilts, especially the X marks the spot. Congrats on your first Moda Bakeshop tutorial!

  3. Love that X marks the pretty and happy!

  4. The baby quilt is adorable! Was this the one you made using leftover HSTs? Awesome.

    happy birthday, enjoy your new camera!

  5. I saw your tutorial on Moda yesterday and just love it! So creative to do the strip pieced back. This one will be on my to-do list for sure. Thanks for sharing and beautiful quilts!

  6. Happy belated birthday!
    Your projects are ALL beautiful! You've been quite busy!

  7. Congrats on the new camera! I love the new X Marks the Spot quilt. Very fun!

  8. The baby quilt is AWESOME! Have fun figuring out that new gift. :)

  9. Love the x-mark quilt!! I might have to make me one

  10. Yay! Fun camera! I love that baby quilt and I pinned your jungle path quilt. It's fantastic!

  11. Wonderful quilts. Both of them look great. I love Jungle Path!

  12. I love the jungle path quilt! I pinned it on Pinterest yesterday :-)

  13. Happy Biirthday :) Happy 30 :) And also a giant congratulations on your first Moda Bakeshop project. What a great week you have had.

    Your quilts are lovely... As always :)

  14. the baby quilt looks amazing, and the kitchen looks so clean and modern!

  15. Happy birthday! Love both the quilts :o)

  16. Ahh, to be thirty again... Love the baby quilt and congrats on the Moda Bake Shop tutorial!! Your kitchen looks fabulous. I am impressed you guys did it yourselves!

  17. quilts are beautiful and kitchen is too the camera. We have the D3000 and really like it....good luck with it.

  18. Love those quilts! Happy birthday - have fun with your new toy :o)

  19. Love your X marks the spot quilt! Adorable!

    Belated happy 30th! Glad you got a fab present to celebrate! :)

  20. Happy belated birthday! I'm a new follower and really love your Jungle Path baby quilt, can't wait to make it. You are going to LOVE you new camera! Your kitchen is so lovely, great job! Looking forward to reading more!

  21. Jess, you are a wonder woman! First off, lovely camera--I hope you love it! Secondly, I did miss your Moda Bake Shop tutorial, so headed over to check it out now. :) Third, what an adorable baby quilt design!

  22. Looooove your kitchen!! And congrats on the published tutorial! It's a great design!

  23. oh congrats on your new camera!! Hubby got me one for my birthday a few months ago, and it makes ALL the difference!

  24. oops - congrats on the tutorial too - that's pretty cool!

  25. A belated happy 30th birthday.
