
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Craft Book Month: Grocery Totes

When Lindsay asked if I would take part in Craft Buds Craft Book Month, I just had to say yes.  I just love flipping through sewing/quilty books and admiring all the projects.  Very rarely do I copy a project exactly as it is in a book, but it always serves as awesome inspiration and gets the creative juices flowing.  


I've had reusable grocery totes on my list to make for myself for some time now, and it just seems to get shoved to the bottom of the list.  Thanks to Craft Book Month, it was just the kick in the pants I needed to get sewing some for myself!  I found a pattern in my One Yard Wonders book that was actually one of the very first sewing books I purchased way back before I discovered quilting.


I dug through my stash and pulled out some of my favorite prints and went to town stitching.  These bags came together so quickly, and were incredibly easy to put together.  They very much remind me of the Jane Market Totes I have made in the past, minus the front pocket.





While nothing can make grocery shopping enjoyable, these fun bags do certainly make the task slightly more enjoyable!

Here they are on their maiden voyage to the store this weekend.  These bags got double thumbs up from the grocery baggers at Giant Eagle, and well, who would know grocery bagging better than them!

New grocery totes on their maiden voyage to the store!

In case you are looking for a little more Craft Book inspiration, check out these fun posts from some awesome bloggers:

Week One
Sunday 9/2: Hopeful Threads / The Jolly JabberMonday 9/3: Stitchery Dickory Dock / Me Sew CrazyTuesday 9/4: Olive & Ollie / Sew SweetnessWednesday 9/5: Fabric Seeds / The Busy BeanThursday 9/6: CraftFoxes / Stitched In ColorFriday 9/7: Katie's Korner / A Prairie Sunrise

Week TwoSunday 9/9: Sweet Diesel Designs / missknitta's studioMonday 9/10: Sew Tara / Clover and VioletTuesday 9/11: Sew Fantastic / amylouwhoWednesday 9/12: Projektownia Jednoiglec / Two More SecondsThursday 9/13: Ellison Lane Quilts / Don't Call Me BetsyFriday 9/14: Live a Colorful Life / LRstitched

Week Three
Sunday 9/16: Fairy Face Designs / Canoe Ridge CreationsMonday 9/17: Inspire Me Grey / Freshly PiecedTuesday 9/18: Lindsay Sews / The Cute LifeWednesday 9/19: The Littlest Thistle / Sew Crafty JessThursday 9/20: Urban Stitches / imagine gnatsFriday 9/21: Sew Bittersweet Designs / The Plaid Scottie

Week Four
Link up your craft book project at Craft Buds from Sept 23-30 from your blog or Flickr account, and enter to win prizes. Winners will be announced on Monday, October, 1!


  1. Oooh, I love the Reunion one! Great bags, and I love seeing that you actually used them! I almost always forget to bring my reusable bags ;)

  2. Oh, these are sooooo much cuter than any other ones I've seen! Love 'em!

  3. Wow! Great job on the bags! One Yard Wonders is a book I've had in my collection for a long time, and I, too, look to my books not to copy a pattern, but to get some inspiration for a new project. Thanks for sending me back to this old gem.

  4. Those are so great, Jessica! I need to make a few and I'm pretty sure I have that book, too. Thanks for the motivation!

  5. These are so pretty. I especially love the purple one and the pears. Thanks for sharing

  6. wow, these are wonderful. Now I want to start making some totes, too.

  7. I love your bags! I have this book and didn't realise it had a grocery tote in it. I made myself loads from an old duvet cover!

  8. Your bags are awesome!! We have reusable bags, but they're the lame-o store-bought ones that are ugly as anything. :)


  10. They look great, but I'm not sure I could bring myself to replace my manky old re-usable shop bought ones with lovely ones like this, only for them to get manky too!

  11. now those grocery are coming home in style. those are really great bags.

  12. So cute, Jess! Love, love the text fabric--and have some of that myself to use!

  13. Those are great! Think I'll have to make a few myself :)

  14. One yard wonders is one of my first books I bought for myself. I have three now and have not purchased the latest. Love your grocery bags and I too have put sewing the bags on the bottom of my list. The thing is, I do not know where they go after my WDH uses them after he comes home from the grocery store. ????? Thanks for sharing with us today...Judith, Texas

  15. These turned out great and I love your fabric choices!

  16. Com essa estória de não fornecer mais sacolas plásticas no comércio,esta é a solução perfeita,tenho duas sacolas e uma cesta no carro.Obrigada.

  17. Im totally jealous of your grocery bags! They are going on my to do list!

  18. These are absolutely adorable! These cuties would make grocery shopping almost fun
