
Friday, November 9, 2012

bee block round up

These past few days I think my sewing room has been freaking out...crazy things have been happening down there, in that I've actually been using it!  I've had a one track mind set to bee blocks the past few days, and it feels great to be not only caught up, but ahead, as November's blocks are done and in the books as well!


This block is for Jennie in the Stash Bee.  She asked for these awesome String X blocks, inspired by Becky's quilt in pinks and purples.  I may have made a funny face when I saw she wanted purple, as it's just not a color I seem to be drawn too when fabric buying, but  I managed to dig through my scraps and find more than enough purple buried in there.  Jennie asked that  we not sew the four sections together so she can mix and match them.  I cannot wait to see this quilt come together, its sure to be deliciously scrappy!  Jennie has a tutorial for her block here, if you are interested.

I get the month of November off from the Stash Bee, because its my month!  As usual, I scoured flickr and pinterest to find the perfect bee block for my bee mates, and settled on a block inspired by this one Erin made.

Stash Bee November Hive 4 block

I knew I wanted something scrappy, and something that would avoid needing a universal solid for everyone to use, and this block fit the bill perfectly!  I doctored the tutorial slightly to make a 12.5" block, and have a mini tutorial posted here, about half way down the page, if you are interested.  I've asked for oranges, yellows and aquas, and am planning on this being a Christmas gift.  Can't wait to see what everyone makes!


For October in the our Do. Good Stitches circle, Toni asked for flying geese.  She planning a quilt like this one by Ashley of Film in the Fridge using fall colors: oranges, yellows, reds, browns, and purples.  This has me inspired to make a quilt using these fun geese units, I'm racking my brain of people I haven't made quilts for yet!


Like I said, not only am I caught up on my bee blocks, I'm actually ahead of the game!  While I was on my bee block kick, I decided to throw in Amanda's November blocks as well.  She asked for Square in square blocks using aquas, greys, navy blues, and black.  While I don't have much black in my stash, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to snip off a corner of my Madrona Road Memoir print that I just love to pieces.  I love working with improv-y blocks like this one, so much fun to dig through the scrap bin and sew and snip until I like what I see!

 On an aside from bee blocks, I've also been working on finishing up this little guy:

Finally got around to making a lining for my weekender!! #itsdone!!!

Yep!  Thats my finished scrappy weekender, complete with lining and all!  Now that the sun has set by the time I get home from work, pictures will have to wait until tomorrow or Sunday, but I'm completely smitten, I need a trip to take ASAP to take this guy out on the town!  While the blog has been a bit slow as of late, Instagram is my new favorite thing!  Its great for posting quick pics of what I'm stitching, you can now follow along on your computers web browser, here's my profile: @sewcraftyjess


  1. you are busy!! I love your blocks...especially the first Bee Block; so very fresh

  2. Hounds tooth! What a great choice for the lining :) I bet the outside looks great, too- can't wait to see it! I love those scrappy blocks, too :)

  3. Wow! You have been busy. Love the blocks -- the first one is my favourite. And congratulations on completing the Weekender bag. Well done you!

  4. Happy to hear someone else is hooked on IG -- I feel like I forget to blog some times! :) Great projects!

  5. I am very impressed with your bag. Great job!

  6. Love all your blocks! (and I"m thrilled to have inspired someone - even if I didn't create the block, it's nice to know people read your blog, haha) That lining in the weekender is awesome. Can't wait to see the rest!

  7. I like the string x block. Makes me want to try it out, too. The bag is wonderful.

  8. Your blocks are fantastic - thank you very much! I wanted to make quilts for a Great Aunt and a neighbour and both said they liked purple - I also have issues with purple and not a lot in my stash (or so I thought) which was why I asked for help from the Bee for this quilt! I got your blocks in the post on Friday - your quilt is going to look stunning too! I love those navy/black/grey/aqua blocks - they look so stylish.

  9. Looking great all round! I need to do a bee block blast this week...
