
Friday, February 22, 2013

nothing like the last minute

In true procrastinators fashion, I've waited till the last possible minute to tackle these 4x5 bee blocks, but have snuck them in under the wire!

4x5 Hive 7 Quarter 2 blocks

1. for debtrail, 2. for watch meesh run, 3. test block, 4. for bellsbellsjo, 5. for jennaappleton, 6. for adeepi4life

I went a little more traditional than usual for my block design, and used this Road to Tennessee block tutorial, and couldn't be more pleased with how they turned out.  It really is cool that such a traditional block can look so fresh and modern by just using bright and modern fabrics.

I love when everyone's colors are so diverse, it really let me dig through my scrap bins and pull out some of my favorite prints to incorporate into each block.

4x5 Bee hive 7

My mind has started churning, and I think this block would be a great way to use up some charm packs I have laying around and whip up a baby quilt or two for an expecting friend!  


  1. These are fantastic blocks! I love the variety of colours and they all work together so nicely.

  2. Those are so beautiful blocks and you chosen really great colours and fabrics! x Teje

  3. Fabulous blocks Jess! I really like your colors.

  4. Jess, they all look fabulous. I especially love mine. And I had to and I have very similar tastes in our fabric...I have nearly all those fabrics in my stash as well.

    I, too, love the diversity of the color combos. I would never have used certain colors if it weren't for my bees and now some of those color combos are my favs. I don't think I had any orange in my stash until I started doing bees!!

  5. Love the variety of colours and fabrics in these beautiful blocks!

  6. These blocks are adorable! I love how bright and vibrant they are :)

  7. Now it's not procrastinating, it's getting yourself super prepared... ;o)

  8. Those really are terrific blocks!

  9. I love these! saw them in the flickr feed and drooled. :)

  10. They look fantastic. I am sure your bee mates will adore them!

  11. Wonderful. I like those blocks a lot!

  12. Your blocks are just delicious! Love the fabrics!
    This design is fabulous . . . I've been looking for inspiration for my next doGood Stitches quilt, and this might be it!
