
Friday, March 29, 2013

Elephants on Parade quilt top


We finally had a break from all this gloom and doom weather-and snow!- to get outside and snap a few pics of a quilt top I recently put together.  I found this adorable elephant print at Joann's the other day while browsing, and after spying Vanessa's Reverse Hopscotch baby quilt on Instagram, I knew this was the perfect pattern for those adorable elephants.

I have no recipient in mind for this little guy, but its always nice to have a few premade quilt tops on hand for when the need for a baby quilt arises.


I used the same process to make the stars in this quilt as when I made my Sparkle Punch Mini Quilt, which is described in Gwen Marston's Liberated Quiltmaking II.  Each finished square measures 3", so this quilt top comes in at a nice 45" x 45", and in my opinion, just the perfect size for a baby quilt.


  On a more somber and personal note, we had some sad news this week, with my grandmother passing away.  She was a lovely lady that led a very full and loving life, to the age of 95.  While we knew her health was declining, its still sad to see her go.  We'll be celebrating her memory this weekend and cherishing time with family and loved ones.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend, and enjoys time spent with family and friends :-)


  1. What a beautiful top. I love the color combo you chose. Sorry to hear about your grandmother, it's always hard, even when you expect it.

  2. I love the colors in this quilt. I'm so sorry for your loss. I will keep your family in my prayers this weekend.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. Your new quilt top is beautiful and those fabrics are wonderful! x Teje

  4. So glad to see you are able to get back to some sewing. Very sorry to hear about your grandmother.

  5. Love your ele quilt! Thinking of you and your family.

  6. Love this top. Sorry to hear about your grandmother

  7. A very sweet quilt Jess.

    My grandfather passed away in January at a similar old age to your grandma, so I know how hard it is. Sorry for your loss.

  8. I love this pattern and the fabrics, its beautiful. So sorry to hear about your grandmother. My own granny passed away last summer at a similar age and no matter how old or sick, its still hard to say goodbye :-(

  9. Love your new quilt top! I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. No matter their age or health, it is never easy when a loved one passes away. My deepest sympathies.

  10. A gorgeous quilt.
    Glad you can celebrate your Grandmothers life even though it is so hard to say goodbye.

  11. Love your Quilt ... well done :-)

    Greetings from germany

  12. Love the colours, so cheery, love the white stars. The elephant print (and the leaves (?)) would be something for my daughter. Sadly Joanns doesn't ship internationally. I love the colour combination and the pattern. *sigh* I can imagine making a lined drawstring bag out of it for her.

  13. Darling quilt. So sorry about your grandma though....

  14. Such a beautiful baby quilt. So sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and your family.

  15. The quilt is adorable. So sorry for the loss of your grandmother. It is difficult but what a wonderful long life to celebrate.
