
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Look mom, no pants!

So before Nora was born, and we found out we were having a girl, its sad to say but one of my first thoughts (after immediately starting to plan her nursery) were all the fun clothes and outfits we I would be able to dress her up in.  I really am impressed at my self control, as I didn't buy much myself, but boy, did our amazing family and friends!  She is now in a size 3-6 months, and we have newborn outfits and 0-3 month outfits that I am packing away with tags on!  


We received so many "outfits" that I was overjoyed at the cuteness factor of at the time, but I quickly learned that about 98% of the time we spent our days in nice and easy to wear cotton or fleece footed sleepers (preferably ones with zippers to make things even easier) and about 2% of the time in complicated "outfits," that while off the charts in the cuteness factor were just not practical for every day wear.

We quickly learned a short list of things that we liked to put her in, and most of those items were ones that made diaper changes as quick as possible, and ones we could quickly change for spit ups and diaper blow outs.  We learned this list did not include: outfits with hoods, outfits that had plain shirts and not onesies, socks weren't high on the list, as I realized I spent half my day putting the socks she kicked off back on her feet, just to name a few.  So again, sleepers (with zippers) were high on the desirable list!


Enter Baby Legs.  Have you heard of these things??  Baby legwarmers.  Need I say more??  The cuteness factor is too much.  I  I had seen a few tutorials while I was scouring Pinterest for things to make before Nora was born, but didn't feel the need to make any.  While we were in Target one day I found the section of womens knee high socks and these legwarmers popped in to mind.  I grabbed a few cute patterns, and when I got home started cutting them up.  There seem to be a gazillion tutorials, I followed this one and actually might make my next batch more like these ones so they are a little more snug in the ankle.


They took about 10 minutes to stitch up the set, and I love them!  Not only are they adorable, she now has "pants" to wear with the 1000 random onesies we have in her dresser!  The hubs is even a fan of these, as he says its "easy access" for diaper changes.  And again, we are all about easy.  I can't tell you the amount of times we've put her pants back on before snapping the onesie closed.  #diaperchangefail.  This just means one less thing to fuss with.  And did I mention the cuteness factor??


We've also worn them under skirts and dresses, because have you tried to wrestle a 3 month old into a pair of tights?  Its for the birds.  I'm now constantly on the lookout for cute cheap knee high socks, if you've seen any, let me know where!

I promise eventually it won't be all baby, all the time around here, but for the meantime, I agree Nora, there is "Snowbody cuter than you!"


  1. OMG - those are adorable! (and so is she!) I hadn't heard of those when my babies were little babies! I love the argyle, that's too much. And I totally agree with you on the ease factor of clothing. I don't know how the women who always have their kids in impractical clothing do it!!

  2. oh, and btw - check around for a local kids consignment shop, you can make some bucks off those baby clothes with tags on them. My first was a girl and I had the same problem. Now that she's 5 and the clothing isn't coming in from all the relatives, I LOVE to buy her stuff at the consignment shop that I used to sell at! haha!

  3. She is beautiful!! All the cuter for the leg warmers! I used to buy knee socks when i played roller derby and got them cheap from ebay!

  4. "snowbody" haha, that made me smile today!!

  5. My 4 yo likes to wear hears as arm warmers now that she's older. It is so stinkin' cute.

  6. Now these are the things no-one tells those of us with no kids that get sent out with the office whipround to buy the outfits, good to know!

  7. Cute! I loved baby legs with my first (especially in summer heat when learning to crawl, just diaper and baby legs). I never used them with my daughter as our house was too cold and drafty...but now that I have baby 3, I think it's time to stock up. Love your idea of making them! And Nora is too!
