
Thursday, March 27, 2014

5 months with Nora

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I cannot believe our little love bug is 5 months old already!  Some days it feels like she was born just yesterday and others it feels like that was eons ago, but either way I almost can't remember life before she entered this world.  

I remember just days after Nora was born, in the deep sleep deprived haze where everything and nothing at all made me cry, someone saying to me "Oh, I just bet you can't even remember life before Nora!"  Of course at that time with Nora being just days old, I most certainly could remember all the perks of being married with no kids.  A time when I could sleep in more than 2 hour spurts or a time when I thought breastfeeding would be just the easiest and most natural thing in the world (newsflash: its not).  Of course this made me burst into tears (but really, what didn't make me burst into tears) and feel like the worst mother in the world, because I thought I should be in this blissful state of mommy-dom, and not bleary eyed, afraid I was doing everything wrong and on the brink of tears at all hours of the day.  

I'm happy to say that those feelings did pass and I now can say in all honesty that it feels like little miss Nora has been part of our world for as long as I can remember.  I'm sure this feeling only grows stronger as she gets older, but we love her, and her newly developing personality to pieces.  She is becoming quite the squirmy worm- so I'll share a few outtakes of our little photoshoot, where you can see that she is much more interested in the blocks/her toes and tutu way more than mom's camera.

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I imagine these little photoshoots will only get more hilarious as she gets older, I'll definitely have to up my speed and brush up on diversion tactics!

Happy 5 months sweet girl!


  1. She's absolutely adorable. And I can promise that there will be more tears (just wait until she becomes a teenager), but much, much more love and joy in your little girl.

  2. What a great idea. I have to remember to take photos before I miss the opportunity to catch a pic when my baby is in that stage.

  3. She's just TOO CUTE! Love the photos in front of your quilts -- the colors are amazing!!!

  4. Oh my goodness! She's too much! So sweet. I did these photos with my kids too. I would recommend a photographers assistant (aka hubby) when you do them next month. My guess is she'll be way more mobile. I remember around the 6 mth mark dragging my hubby to help me because my son would try and get off the couch. His only job was to keep anyone from getting hurt!

  5. Very cute, but remember the old adage when it comes to film, never work with children and animals ;o)

  6. We've been doing monthly shots with our son and yeah, around this point is where a helper comes in handy. My husband usually stands behind me with a toy or tasty snack and makes silly faces. Congrats though, she is adorable!

  7. She's adorable. The background is pretty nice too.
    They grow so fast.
