
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Belated Halloween Post


To say this post is a tad bit belated is an understatement.  As I finished this project up just before Halloween.  Halloween of last year.  The whole having a baby thing made my brain go on the fritz for some time, so when I was looking back through my Flickr feed, and found these pics I realized I never blogged about this little guy!  Without wanting him to feel neglected, I figured he's already waited over a year for his time in the spotlight, so who cares if two Halloween's have now passed since he was finished.


While my quilting and sewing has definitely slowed down, I am really enjoying cross stitching at the moment.  I love that its a small project that is 100% portable and perfectly conducive to background tv watching while I'm stitching away.  My husband has recently accepted a new job, that means no more nights and weekends (woohoo insert happy dance!!)  and while I am thrilled to have him home every evening, I now have zero motivation to head downstairs after Nora is in bed to sew, and instead have been snuggling up on the couch as the hubs and I catch up on the DVR que (we haven't even started this season of Homeland yet!).


So while my sewing machine is probably staging a protest from lack of use, I'm keeping my fingers busy working on a few adorable cross stitch patterns from the Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery.  Their patterns are just so darn adorable, that I can't get enough.  This one is last years Halloween Spooky Sampler.  After working on this project last fall, I switched from stitching on Aida cloth to linen, and my like for cross stitch last year has turned into a full blown love with the linen.  The stitches just pop off the fabric!  I have half a mind to restitch this sampler on linen, but that will have to wait for another day.


I just love how Amanda and Ashleigh have made cross stitching cute and youthful.  They seriously don't have a pattern that am not in love with.  I have stayed up to date with the Once Upon a Time 2104 Sampler, that is destined for framing and a spot on Nora's wall once its done and am almost done with last year's 12 Days of Christmas Sampler, which should be finished just in time for the release of this years Christmas Celebration Sampler.  Whew!


So anyways, happy belated Halloween!  You can bet you'll be seeing more cross stitch projects on the blog, as I'm resolving to try and post more progress pics, as things are moving at a much slower pace than they used to, and I'm okay with that.

p.s.  be sure to check back here tomorrow, a little birdie said there will be a great giveaway from a new sponsor!