
Friday, February 6, 2015

Once Upon a Time Sampler: Complete!


I am so incredibly excited to be writing this post, as it means the year long Once Upon a Time Sampler I began working on one year ago is now complete!


I'll say it now, pardon the picture heavy post, but I just can't help myself!  There isn't one thing that I don't absolutely love about this.  Each month would bring a huge smile when I saw the new pattern in my inbox, and would anxiously get to stitching each little block.


Call me sentimental, but I just look back at those early months and remember my stitching time was usually with Nora laying next to me on the couch or while I was pumping.  Ugh that dreaded pump.  Anyways, this was my compromise with myself, I got to do something fun while doing something not so fun.  Anyways, I look at July's block and remember I stitched that one at the beach. 


The majority of these blocks were stitched while sitting on my corner of the couch, after Nora was put to sleep and the hubs and I caught up on some DVR and enjoyed a quiet evening alone.  For the moment, cross stitching is my quick little portable project that I can pick up here and there and work on little bits at a time.


This sampler is destined for a spot on Nora's wall, I think she'll get a kick out of it as she gets older and we read longer fairy tales (right now our attention span can make it through Goodnight Moon, and that's about it), and we can point to each picture that matches the story.


I have grand plans to get this framed, but I'm not sure I want to spend hundred(s) of dollars--and don't you dare tell my husband that's how much it cost to get my Gingerbread Lane Sampler framed--he thinks it was $50.  That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.  I've tried to frame them myself, and it just doesn't look as nice.  I've seen Michaels does quasi-custom framing, maybe that will be a good compromise?  Anyone have any framing tips  that would help?  I'm all ears!


  For now I just like to pull it out and run my hands over all those stitches, admiring the hours and hours and hours spent on this little guy!  Happy stitching!


  1. Sooooo cute!! I love to X-stitch, but haven't done it for some time. Well done!

  2. Oh my, i love this! I've never seen one like it. What a treasure!

  3. Adorable and how fun! I did much smaller ones for my kids first finished when he was three next one when she was 6! Tip: get ultraviolet protection glass when you frame!

  4. Nope mine were similar size! Well done!

  5. No apologies necessary for the heavy pic post! Love it. It is so very satisfying to see a project come together, especially one that has required so much time to complete. Spend the cash to get this treasure framed. Your work deserves the splurge and it will be protected for many years to come.

  6. Oh, I was also thinking about stitching this sampler. How cute! I am also stitching x-stitch now because of the same reason :) My son will have his 1st birthday in two weeks and I do not have time for quilting. I saw an interesting frame idea, I try to find it again an send it to you. Hugs, Tim from Hungary

  7. Where could I get the pattern for this? It's perfect for a children's library!
