
Monday, September 13, 2010

Fabric. Cutting. Machine.

Whew!  My rotary cutter has certainly gotten a workout!  I've been cutting 5 1/2 inch squares for my next quilt.  I have cut 1 square of almost each fabric I own, for a total of 100 squares so far, with a stack of about 20 more fabrics to cut.  I couldn't believe that I had that much DIFFERENT fabric!  Shhh...our secret, we wont tell my husband...

I'm planning on using these squares to make half square triangles to make up my own value quilt!  I'm basing my quilt on the tutorial that Katie at Sew Katie Did put together, but mostly using pictures as my inspiration.  I'm torn on if I want the layout to look like this or like this.  Hmmm decisions decisions.  I'm really leaning toward the second layout, but I'm afraid that mine wont come out nearly as nice as that one!

Here's my piles so far, just like Katie said, I sorted them into 3 piles, light, medium and dark.  Let me tell you, I doubted myself the whole way, not sure I was sorting them properly.  I need a little more light fabric I think to balance the piles out, so I may have to double up on some of my lighter print fabrics to fatten up that stack.  I'll be starting to sew these bad boys together soon, and then the fun of playing around with the layout on my design wall...stay tuned!

In other exciting news (well, it was for me anyway) my labels I ordered came in the mail  today!  Yay for surprises in the mailbox :)  I hadn't really been labeling my quilts, so as I was perusing Etsy a week or so ago, I came across MommieMadeIt's store where she was selling personalized sew-in fabric labels!  She has HUNDREDS of label layouts to choose from, I highly recommend.

This was what I decided on, I wanted something nice and simple with just a little bit of style, and voila!  I'm so excited to sew these on some of my projects I have laying around that I'm waiting to give away!

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty nice pile of squares ! And I know what you look at a fabric and if you put it into the dark pile, it looks lighter than those, but if you put it into the medium pile, it looks darker than those ! Yikes !
    But scrappy is so fascinating to look at ! It'll be great and you'll have'll be work, getting your placement the way you want it, but you'll enjoy it.

    Now what are those labels made from? Do you just rotary cut them you have to turn under the edges to prevent fraying or is it such a material that it won't fray? So curious, 'cuz I was looking for labels the other day on Etsy ! I like the kind that Red Pepper sews into her quilts, but wouldn't use those for family quilts.
