
Sunday, September 12, 2010

think pink

Think Pink!  As I mentioned in my last post, this set of placemats and tablerunner (along with the two clutches) are being donated to a charity luncheon for breast cancer to be auctioned off in October.  The lady who is hosting the event gave me free reign to design how I like, with the only stipulation being that it had to be pink!


Heres a picture of the set on my own dining room table.  The runner measures 12 1/2 x 48 inches and each placemat is appx 14 x 18 inches.

This was my first try at string piecing and I used the tutorial from Film in the Fridge and couldn't be happier with the result!  i started by cutting my paper squares to 6 1/2 inches and then cutting what seemed like a bazillion strips of fabric in varying widths ranging from 1 inch to 1 1/2 inchs wide then kind of used an assembly line type system to add my strips.

I just love this effect, and have a quilt in this style in my ever growing "quilting to-do list"!  Maybe not all in pink next time...

The placemats are much simpler in style, but I'm pleased with the look.  I pieced together some 2 1/2 inch strips in pink and then bordered them in white. 

Apparently my machine does not have a problem with light pink thread...its apparently quite picky sometimes, as I found when I tried to quilt the whale baby quilt in light green thread and my machine was not having it!  As for quilting, I again used good ole faithful and stippled both the tablerunner and placemats.

The binding on both is a pink with tiny white polka dots, and the back is a solid kona in bright pink. 

Can't wait to donate these so they can get to their new owners...Dolly, I'm not sure how they will be auctioned off, I was assuming they would go as a set, but however she decides to organize things would be fine with! 


  1. Wow, those look terrific, Jessica........I'd have to bid on both if the DO get separated.
    I just don't think you can beat 'good ol' stippling'. I tried my hand at some other things today, and granted, I haven't been practicing, but.....hmmmmmm.......I don't know if big change is in my future. Shoot.....machine-quilting AT ALL was a big enough change for me !
    But I'll stay at it, so that I can say that I tried.

  2. these are all so pretty.... love all the different colors of pink

  3. I love this! The block you used for the runner is so cool and modern-looking.

  4. Love this set! And I think the placemats would be perfect for every day use maybe in seasonal colors. I'm going to ponder that... :)

  5. Great job on the quilt runner. Getting those to line up is a challenge and yours turned out so well!!!!

  6. What a fun project and for a great cause! I love The tutorial you used for your string blocks. It's the one I swear easy. Everything came out beautiful!

  7. These are gorgeous!! Well done and a great cause to donate to!

  8. i just love that table runner. It reminds me of a string quilt that I neglected. Thanks for inspiring me to pull it out. If it will look anything like yours I'm getting busy on it.

  9. these are so perfect for donating...i am sure they will bring in lots at auction.

  10. very pink - but very cute!!

  11. These are a wonderful idea for a donation. Nicely done!

  12. Both the table runner and the placemats are so pretty. They are perfect for the good cause.

  13. What a great selection of pinks you have here! They are sure to be a sale at the auction. How kind of you to give such wonderful projects. :-}pokey

  14. Everything looks just beautiful and for such a great cause. :o)

  15. i LOVE the string blocks! And the placemats. Really really cute!

  16. Those string blocks in pink are gorgeous!!! I absolutely love them. I'm sure they will do well in the auction. Thanks for sharing!

  17. These are beautiful. I hope they do well in the auction, and that you are able to raise lots of money for the cause.
