Remember the
Planes Trains and Automobilies quilt I was working on using my
Simply Squares pattern? Yes, it feels like it was eons ago that I started this, but its finally finished! This quilt will be going to my co-worker and friend's son who is almost 2. I was told he loves anything with wheels, so I used a bunch of "boy" fabrics, with cars, trucks, planes, wheels, etc. mixed with some bright bold polka dots.

I hit quite a few bumps along the way, that had me tempted to scrap the whole quilt and start over, but I pushed through and finished. I think my troubles mainly came from poor basting. This was my second attempt at pin basting my quilt sandwich together, the first being my
value quilt, and unlike the successful first attempt, this second attempt was not so good. I swear, it looked nice and tight when everything was taped to the floor, I was even impressed with myself, but once I started quilting, it became apparent that there were issues. The back of the quilt looks great! No puckering or pulls anywhere, its the top that gave me troubles. I started by quilting 1/4 inch on either side of the horizontal rows, and then when I went to quilt 1/4 inch on either side of the vertical columns, I kept getting little puckers where my seams intersected, like I didnt baste the top tight enough. This was so frustrating. I decided to go ahead and finish it, and after washing, you can barely tell something is wrong, but I know its there. Argh.
Anyways, what are your secrets to successful basting??
The finished quilt measures 50 inches square, a perfect play size little boy quilt!
I really like the back of this quilt, the bold primary colors just scream "boy" to me, and I think it shows of the (non-puckery) quilting very nicely.
Feel free to give this quilt pattern a try, and let me know if you do! I'd love to see it!
As for whats up next, I will be a bag making machine for the next few days!! I have a few orders for some close friends and family to do, and I still have a few Christmas presents to whip up...stay tuned for a Christmas present extravaganza!