Ahhh it feels so good to be back. I really want to commit to posting WIP Wednesday updates every week again, even when there's not much sewing going on, its like the one constant that keeps all the crazy out of control WIPs in check. Kind of like stitchy inventory of sorts!

This week I've had a few quilty set backs, Bertha (my large and in charge sewing machine) and I almost came to blows on Saturday afternoon. You see I was quilting away, happy as a clam, and all of a sudden, she decided that she wanted to break my needles! I tried everything. Threading my machine. Rethreading my machine. Changing the bobbin. Rethreading the bobbin. Changing needle size. Changing machine settings. Changing free motion feet. I even busted out my mini vaccuum attachment setting and cleaned out the bobbin case (helloooo lint.) Alas, this was all to no avail. That bitch my trusted stitchy side kick continued to break a needle about every 5 minutes. Not only that, but she decided she didn't like the automatic needle threader, and that pulled stitches would be fun. This was where I just. had. to. walk. away. Bertha is now at the sewing machine doctor, so hopefully they can get her all straightened out and back to her quilty awesome-ness, and soon. I'm missing her. Terribly.

I've resorted to pulling out my back up machine to try and finish the quilting, but I realize I've been spoiled. I sat behind my now seemingly mini machine, and it has absolutely no "get up and go." How did I sew on this thing for so long?? Anyways, I'm not sure how much quilting I'll be able to finish on this quilt, as its pretty large (a generous twin size). It feels a little bit like David and Goliath. We'll see how it goes, I'm pulling for you David!!
In other news, the newest round of the
4x5 bee has officially kicked off. I'm super excited, this bee always draws such awesome quilty peeps, amazing blocks are guaranteed! In the midst of all the sewing machine drama this weekend, I decided I'd work up a test block for my hive, that my little mini machine can handle.
I used
Six White Horses Sharp Chevrons tutorial and I'm in love. This block is paper pieced, I love the tiny detail and precision that paper piecing lends to quilt blocks. So sharp crisp and clean. I'll be pulling fabrics for the rest of my hive mates in case the quilting on mr. {mini} machine doesn't work out, I think he can at least handle a little paper piecing :-)
What have you been up to this week?? I'm hoping to keep myself nice and busy for the next few days to distract myself from the fact that I'm missing out on
Sewing Summit this year. Rest assured I'll be stalking/vicariously living through those attending via twitter and instragram! Be sure to head over to
Freshly Pieced and add your WIPs!