
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

double stacked

Because I don't have nearly enough WIPs I could be working on finishing...I started a new baby quilt!  I was contacted to make two commissioned baby boy quilts, so those seemed to have jumped to the top of the to do list.

This is the first of the two quilts, I saw this quilt over at the Moda Bake shop and had been wanting to try this style of a kind of mini stacked coins quilt for a while, so I changed the amount of stacks and altered the size to a baby quilt size. 

I used a few prints from Robert Kaufman's Play Day, a few Kona solids and few scraps of prints I had laying around that coordinated well and then sashed them with Kona white.

I think baby quilts are my favorite size to make.  They come together so quickly, are super easy to baste, and quilting is no problem at all.  Of course I love tackling a bigger project as well, but its nice to see the finished product come together so quickly and easily.  

I think I am going to start on the second quilt top, I'm thinking of using Elizabeth Hartman of Oh Fransson!'s New Wave quilt pattern and some Alexander Henry 2D Zoo with coordinating prints before moving on to the backing, basting and quilting.  Check back soon!


  1. That's great, Jess. I love that you have the confidence and ingenuity to know how to take a pattern that you like and tweek it to get the size and look that you want.

    And I , too, LOVE making this size quilt. Instant gratification.
