
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WIP Wednesday {1.26.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I keep adding to the WIPs I have going, yet, I don't seem to be finishing much!  I'll just hit the highlights here...

As for something super new, I started cutting the pieces for the second baby boy comissioned quilt I committed myself to and have the blocks arranged on my design wall:

This quilt should end up around 45 inches x 45 inches(ish) when all is said and done.  I've been wanting to use the Alexander Henry 2D Zoo for some time now in a quilt, and I am loving how these colors work together

I'm using Oh Fransson's new wave quilt pattern, and have just doctored the size a little so that it (hopefully) will be a baby quilt size.

Quilts in progress:

postage stamp quilt along progress

My psiquilt's postage stamp quilt along quilt has sort of been tabled for the time being.  I have about half of the blocks assembled, there really is no rush to finish this one just now, as I won't need it (it's a gift) until at least May. 
I actually just ordered the fabric for the quilt back today from Aunt Beas Fabric, unfortunately the shop is going out of business, but this means that all the fabric in the shop is 30% off, woohoo for It's a Hoot yardage at 30% off!  Be sure to pop over and check out the selection.

Quilt tops in need of quilting:

baby quilt top

this will get quilted...soon.  I still need to put a backing together for it, but I'll get to it.  Soon.

Finish of the week:

I did have one finish this week, albeit small, a finish none the less!  This fun little set of potholders and kitchen dish towel will be on its way to its new home this weekend.

Other projects in the works:
1.  DQS 10- still in the planning stages
2.  Mug Rug Swap- the little bugger just needs some binding!
3. 3x6 bee blocks- 1 down, 5 to go...

Be sure to head over the Freshly Pieced and check out all the WIPs this week!


  1. I just love 2D Zoo. I'm hoarding some of that myself (plus the Christmas version as well). It looks great in the New Wave pattern.

    Thanks for linking up, have a great week!

  2. Wow! I love all of your projects!! The Zoo 2D quilt is fantastic.

  3. I really like those potholders, very nice, and your New Wave quilt is darling! I adore that AH print, it's one of my favorite kiddo prints ever. Looks great in this pattern!

  4. I really like the pot holders and towel. They look wonderful.

  5. I really like the fabric for your baby boy quilt too, it's very cute. I'm sure they'll love it.
