
Saturday, January 15, 2011

fabric eye candy

So as I was perusing my LQS today, looking for *only* a few fat quarters of grey fabric, for my potholders I'm making for the potholder pass, I spied a fat quarter bundle of Central Park by Kate Spain for was like a reflex, before I knew it, the fat quarter bundle was in my hands, and the internal debate began.  No, I do not NEED this fabric, but just look at it!  In the end I couldn't resist, and this glorious stack of fabulous fabrics came home to live with me. 

I rationalized that I know I will have a few baby quilts to make in the next few months, and this fabric would be great! 

Thank you everyone for your super kind words about my mug rug!  I did as I said, left it for the night, and when I went back to it this morning, I decided that I really liked it, and its simplicity, and more importantly I think my partner will like it. 

Heres a picture of the back

Once I had the front and back complete, I layered it together with my batting, and pulled out my basting spray to hold things together.  Well, apparently I was a little overly ambitious with the basting spray application, because it seeped through in a few areas on the linen and left some dark spots :( 

You can see the marks a little more in the above pictures.  I was going to just abandon the project and start over right then, but I decided to use this as a practice piece to figure out how I want to quilt it (I'm still not 100% sure...) and I figure I'll keep this for me!  I've also decided to swap out the green on the front with an some Amy Butler Sunspots I found in my scrap bin...I think it blends a little better anyways. 

So...lesson learned.  Be frugal with the basting spray.

Third bit of news of the day, a bee mate of mine Alison, from Little Island Quilting nominated me and my blog for a second Liebster award!  We both participate in the Simply Strings bee, be sure to stop over to her blog and see what she's up to!
Again, this is an award for the crafty blogging "little guys" with less than 300 followers.  Whats so cool about this award, is that you get to pay it forward! 
I already mentioned Cindy from roseroomquilts, Jolene from BlueElephantStitches, and Dolly from Dolly'sHome, if you haven't checked them out, you definitly should! 

I know that Kati, from From the Blue Chair nominated me earlier this week, but I have to mention her here!  She always has something fresh and modern that shes working on, and her lattice quilt tutorial is certainly worth checking out!

Lee at FreshlyPieced also has an awesome blog, and hosts a weekly WIP Wednesday party, to share whats on your design wall or in the works for the week, be sure to check her out, and pop over to WIP Wednesday to share your WIPs! 


  1. Thanks so much for mentioning me and my blog! I love your mug rug and am super jealous of your Central Park stack. I have a few charm packs that I am dying to use, but can't come up with a good enough design yet. This is the only new line that I really love right now.

  2. I am jealous that your LQS has such great fabrics. Mine sadly still caters to the traditional style and thinks I'm crazy for buying their two Moda lines. Moda is as crazy as they get.

  3. Thank you so much for listing me and my blog. I love that Central Park stack you found.
