
Monday, January 17, 2011

mosaic madness

As I've mentioned previously, I'm participating in a few upcomming swaps and thought I'd share a few of the mosaics I've made to let my swap partners get to know me a little bit better!

DQS10 Progress

I was lucky enought to be selected to participate in Doll Quilt Swap 10, and as I am hard at work deciding what to make for my partner, I'm sure that he/she is doing the same for me!  As I've certainly been "blog stalking" my partner, I thought I'd put a pic of the mosaic I created for DQS 10 on my blog to share

DQS10 Mosaic

Here is my inspiration mosaic for the Scrappy Mug Rug swap

scrappy mug rug mosaic

And lastly, I am participating in the Potholder pass.  This round the theme is monotone!  My color I picked is blue, as it the dishes and accents in our kitchen are mostly blues, greens and browns

potholder pass monotone inspiration
1. blue quilt progress, 2. Poseidon Quilt, 3. The top is finally finished...., 4. 0703 blue quilt fabric 01, 5. the back, 6. Yet another mug rug!, 7. Patchwork Blue Drawing Room, 8. why so blue? :: brick patchwork pillow cover, 9. Blue coasters

Hope this helps partner!  Can't wait to see what you come up with, I'm super easy to please, and I know I will love whatever you create.  Certainly don't feel limited to these pictures!

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