
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WIP Wednesday {1.19.2011}

It's Wednesday, and that means its time to share the current works in progress for the week!  I actually have quite a few things that are in various stages of complete-ness...this is a new phenomenon for me, I am typically a "start one project and see it through to the end" kind of gal, but I'm finding myself with quite a few things going on.  It's making me a little stressed, I don't like leaving things unfinished, but it is nice to be able to bounce from one project to the next.
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

First and formost is my very beginning planning stages of my doll quilt for DQS10.  These are just a few ideas that have popped into my head. 

My partner is a fan of modern fabrics, so I'm thinking of cutting into my Central Park fabric, plus a few other goodies in blues, greens, yellows and oranges with some neutral solids (grey/white perhaps?) mixed in.

DQS10 Color samples

As for design ideas:
A mini strings quilt, I'm picturing it with white as the solid center stripe, and then trying to keep each "diamond" in one color.  I'm thinking each individual block would be along the lines of 3" with teeny tiny strips...

Or a circle block mini quilt, I'm thinking of doing each quarter of the circle in a different print of one color, agin using the above colors and I was thinking of doing the backgrounds of the blocks in Kona Ash, Charcoal and White.  Maybe??
Or some pieced hexies in some sort of color patterns?  Or none of the above.  If you were my partner, which would you like??

My next WIP is Rachel from psiquilt's postage stamp quilt along.  So far I have my strip sets sewn together...16 all together, whew!  For our next directions, we are to cut these strip sets into 2 1/2 inch strips and sew them together into 48 blocks for next week.  Eek!  I'd really like to keep up with this quilt along, but I'm not so sure I'll be able to get all the blocks completed by then. 

I am really liking how the colors all came together, this will sure be one vibrant quilt!

Lastly for this week is the beginning stages of planning my potholders for the potholder pass.  Again the theme is monotone, and my partner picked grey.  I dug through my stash, and added a few greys I picked up at my LQS, and these are the fabrics I'm  thinking of working with:

And finally I have the end stages of my mug rug for the scrappy mug rug swap

mug rug front

and back:

mug rug back

I'm really torn about the binding.  I think at this point I'm leaning towards repeating the blue and white cris cross fabric that I used in the mug rug...I just cant seem to find anythign that I absolutely love though.  I certainly have time.  I'll just sit and admire it for a while until I figure something out!

Well I certainly have enough to keep me busy this week, and hopefully next week there will be more "completed projects" to show!

Be sure to head over to Freshly Pieced and check out all the awesome WIPs!!


  1. I love the colorful ideas for the doll quilt. I also think your postage stamp quilt is coming out so great. That fabric is beautiful.

  2. I love the fabrics you picked out for the doll quilt, and the mini strings idea - seems like that would highlight the fabrics well! And great selection for the postage stamp quilt too. Weren't those strip sets exhausting?!

  3. I adore your selection of fabric for the yellows. The whimsy and the richness of the yellows/golds is amazing. Great job.

  4. Holy moly!! I love your fabrics for DQS, and your ideas are fantastic, too. Especially the mini strings! I adore your little mug rug, too. :)

  5. LOVE the mug rug! Especially the way the hexies fall off that one side. I think the blue crosshatch is a great choice for the binding.

    All your projects are looking great, actually - happy WIP Wednesday!

  6. Love the idea of the blue but I think the yellow could also really make it POP. But again I'm a fan of stripes and plaids as binding. Good luck!

  7. Love those greys! The mug rug is adorable as well.

  8. Your DQS plans look great! I'm starting to feel behind, I still need to do some good stalking on my partner so I can start sketching.

    Your postage stamp quilt looks incredible too. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday, have a fabulous week!

  9. After finishing 80 "regular" sized string blocks recently I can't wait to see if you make your tiny versions.

    Cute little mug rug!

  10. Well, good for you !
    I am so totally on the other end of the spectrum. I just can't seem to direct my interests anywhere long enough to start another project !
