
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Central Park Baby Quilt

It's finished!  I just finished sewing the binding yesterday, and I am so so pleased with how it turned out.  Here it is all quilted and bound but not washed and crinkled yet.

...Please disregard the hazy blurb in the center of these nice quilt picture taking camera had an unforutunate accidental run in with the rotary cutter, and now has a pretty little gash on the camera lens :-( 

It measures approximately 40 inches square, the perfect baby quilt size in my opinion.  I am just in love with these colors together!  I am seriously contemplating purchasing another fat quarter bundle of central park from my LQS, because I can think of so so many projects I would use this for.

I see a few more on point quilts in my future, and perhaps I will suck it up and do the math to make the setting triangles for the ends of the rows and save my self that mini headache again...

I used the brown cobblestone print from Central Park as the binding and I just love how well it plays with the rest of the fabrics and the white sashing.  Here's another little glimpse of my quilting, a nice all over stipple.  I just love how well this quilting crinkles up after washing and drying. 

Heres the back, which I almost like as much as the top!  I really like the simplicity of the single print with a pop of fun pieced goodness at the bottom.  I'm going to put this quilt away until the baby is born and hope that mom, dad and baby like it as much as I do! 


  1. It's beautiful, Jessica!
    I must make one of these.
    And you're right, the back is wonderful, too!

  2. Looks wonderful Jessica...I see what you mean about this vibrant...and your quilting looks great..nice job

  3. Oh, it is absolutely gorgeous! Well done you, you must be thrilled with it!

  4. Oh, Jessica, it looks fantastic!!! I love how this turned out, you make me want to try blocks on point right away! :)

  5. It turned out so nice! What a great gift.

  6. Gorgeous, gorgeous quilt! And don't do the setting triangles math yourself - try Google first!! Or do what I do and cut them extra big then trim down.

  7. Yay! The birth of a baby quilt is always a blessing, too. This one is soooo adorable, front and back.

  8. WoW! I love this! I love how you did your rows diagonal, it looks great! :) and I love this fabric. Great job!
