
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

WIP Wednesday {3.23.2011}

I must admit, it has been a pretty slow sewing week, so this post will be pretty short.  It's finally decided to turn to spring in these parts, and with daylight savings time keeping it lighter in the evenings longer, I'm finding I want to spend more time outside/doing more active things and less time down in the sewing room!  I have a feeling that this will become more of a trend, but I'll certainly keep posting about what I do sew!

Onto this weeks WIP Wednesday...

Ongoing Projects 

Central Park Baby Quilt

I am thisclose to being finished with this quilt, and actually thought for a minute that I was headed toward a finish this evening, but instead I drug my butt to the gym for a spinning class and left the binding to be finished up tommorow.  Here's a sneak peek at the quilting, I contemplated straight line quilting this, but I just really wanted to do some FMQing.  I did an all over stipple in white thread and am pleased with the outcome.

Here's a close up of the quilting on the quilt back.  I only had one pesky little pucker on the quilt back, and after contemplating ripping out alot of stitching, I decided that its really not that noticable, and I'm just going to leave it.  I'm hoping to get the binding finished up, so there should be more to show soon!

Scrap Bin Quilt

In all honesty I haven't even touched this quilt since last week, but I did make a trip to my LQS and picked up a few fat quarters of some purple fabrics, as my stash is really lacking in the purple department, and the next project on my list is to get the rest of these blocks completed.  I know this is technically cheating, as every other fabric in this quilt was straight out of my scrap bin, but I rationalized that the newly purchased fabric would have eventually been used for something, and would therefor have scraps at some point!  I know, I know still "cheating" but I am 100% ok with it :)

Quilt tops awaiting quilting

Central Park baby quilt #1

On Hold

p.s. i quilt postage stamp quilt along quilt
Amy Butler sew along (I actually have a plan here!  My MQG is planning a shop hop on April 2nd, and I plan to get some new fun fabric to make a few of the bags, including the Cosmo bag.  Inspriation is what I need to get started here)

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 0
Completed Projects: 0
Ongoing Projects: 5 (I'm including March Bee blocks here too!)

Be sure to pop over the Freshly Pieced and check out this weeks WIPs!


  1. your central park quilt is looking great. Your stippling looks good. You definitely won't notice one pucker and especially after you wash it! And good for you for hitting the gym rather than sewing. Somehow sewing always wins for me and my butt is showing it!

  2. I admire you - going to the gym rather than quilting! Not in my lexicon, especially if I had a finish looming. It looks beautiful, by the way.

  3. Love the central park fabrics!!
    I'd say one pucker on the back is good work!

  4. What is it with purple??? I'm seriously lacking there too :) Good for you for hitting the gym instead of the sewing machine! And I think you're totally right, no one will ever notice that silly little pucker, it looks fantastic :)

  5. I totally agree with your reasoning with the purple. Sometimes you gotta stash in order to get scraps! the baby quilt is looking great, good luck wrapping it up!

  6. The Central Park quilt looks great! The quilting is incredible, nice job. Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday, have a good week.
