
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WIP Wednesday {5.18.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Oh Wednesday, why must you sneak up on me so??  Here's what I've been up to!

Completed Projects

Amy Butler Perfectly Pleated Clutch

I finished up my Perfectly Pleated Clutch out of the Amy Butler Style Stitches book, and I am oh so happy with it!  I am quasi following along with Bree of My Crafty Crap's Amy Butler Sew Along, and I've actually completed the project for the month!  I have the perfect outfit planned for this clutch (yes, I planned an outfit around a bag and not the other way around!) to take out on the town for my cousin's bachelorette party this weekend, should be a good time!  You can read more about this clutch here.

New Projects

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

These scrumptious 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch Aviary 2 rectangles are painstakingly slowly turning into this:

Yes, I do believe I am claiming temporary insanity when I decided to tackle a double wedding ring quilt.  I knew I wanted to make a quilt for my cousin who is getting married in August, but couldn't decide on what I wanted to do.  After seeing this quilt on flickr, I knew this was what I wanted to do, and then to discover the pattern is actually called a double wedding ring quilt, how much more perfect could it be?

I am using Joel Dewberry's Aviary 2 and Kona Bone as the background fabric.  While I am absolutely loving the look of this, I can't help but think "one ring down, 19 to go" and then I think "what the heck was I thinking??!?!"... I have a feeling this will be a quilt that I work on little bits at a time, hopefully I can get it done in time for the wedding.  I am using the Jennifer Paganelli pattern found here.  The arches are paper pieced, which is really helping to keep everything accurate.  I figure working with this many curves is challenging enough, at least I know that my piecing is spot on this way, and it seems to be working well...painfully slow, but well.

I have a few other smaller projects I have added to my plate as well.  I've volunteered to make some of these pouches for above mentioned cousins bridal shower as "prizes" for all those silly bridal shower games that are mandatory :-)  I think I volunteered myself to make an apron as well...and a gift basket now that I think of it.  Oh my, I was apparently feeling quite generous at that bridesmaid meeting!

Quilt tops awaiting quilting
  • Central Park Baby Quilt
  • Postage Stamp Quilt
This Weeks Stats

New Projects:  2
Completed Projects: 1
Ongoing Projects:  5
  • May Bee Blocks
  • Postage Stamp Quilt
  • Central Park Baby Quilt
  • Double Wedding Ring Quilt
  • Bride-y Sewing
Be sure to pop over to Freshly Pieced and add your WIPs!


  1. Well, having tackled the Single Girl, and asked myself every time I finished a ring what the heck I was thinking, I can understand. But here's the thing - you can totally do this!!! Your first set of rings looks fantastic, this quilt is going to be just amazing. I think Aviary was an amazing fabric choice, and I can't wait to see more of this one :)

  2. Seeing your pic of the first double wedding ring made me whisper aloud "OOOOh that is PRETTY!" (the kids are still sleeping. Looks fantastic with Aviary 2!!!

  3. O my gosh I love that double wedding ring quilt! I have all of those Aviary 2 fabrics and wow, they look stunning put together this way! Jealous :) ... is it really as hard as it looks... because it looks really hard!

  4. Ahhh. I too have made a Double Wedding Ring quilt. It was a labor of love for our daughter's wedding, three years ago. Their quilt is made entirely of neutral prints, and won for me a best machine quilting award at our local quilt show. Though I just pieced mine - not paper pieced - I know the work you have ahead of you. I wish you lots and lots of time!

  5. Looks beautiful! I would love to be that talented! Your first bloc looks so perfect!

  6. Oh, that double wedding ring is going to be spectacular! Maybe you should start making them something else - you are not going to want to park with that one! :)

  7. Oh my goodness, I love double wedding ring quilts!
    It's going to be gorgeous!!!

  8. You know I love how your clutch turned out :) and your double wedding ring quilt is going to be beautiful. I hope you're able to get it finished up by August, but I'm sure your cousin will understand if it's not. I wouldn't care when I got it if it was coming to me - it's beautiful! Sounds like you'll have your hands full this summer.

  9. Love that quilt!! I have been thinking of doing a double wedding ring for a while now. You're just a step ahead of me on everything!

  10. Absolutely gorgeous fabrics for that double wedding ring! A DWR is on my list... very far down my list. I'm scared of that pattern!

  11. goodness you have a lot on your plate! the DWR looks great in the fabrics you selected though

  12. That clutch is amazing! And the double wedding in the fabric you chose--took my breath away. Wow. I'll definitely be following the progress on this one.

  13. I LOVE your double wedding ring; the fabric is really gorgeous for this design.

  14. Perfect choice of fabrics for the double wedding ring. I know what you mean about wondering what you were thinking when you decided to make that quilt. I felt the same way when I was making my Single Girl quilt and was glad I only made a baby sized one. It will be gorgeous when you finish it though - and treasured for a lifetime!

  15. The Double Wedding ring is one of my favorites. What an ambitious project! Can't wait to see how it turns out.

  16. Kudos on the Double Wedding Ring! It's beautiful! It's one of my favourites too, but I'd be scared to try to tackle it at this point!

  17. Oh your DWR is coming together beautifully. The key is definitely to do it bit by bit. You can do this!!

  18. Your double wedding ring quilt is beautiful. My momma has been after me to start working on one since I'm evidently four behind her :)

    Keep up the good work.

  19. Yikes. What WERE you thinking? ;-) That double wedding ring looks fantastic tho. Good luck meeting your deadline! Oh, and your clutch is darling!

  20. That clutch looks fabulous, and that will be one heck of a wedding gift! Great job so far!

  21. Cute clutch and I great job on the DWR. That is one I would like to tackle some day!

  22. Double wedding ring quilt in Aviary 2! Be still my heart! : ) What were you thinking? That it will be GORGEOUS when it's done! Just keep plugging away at it. The end result will be worth it.

    Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  23. A very ambitious list - scary to this novice. Good luck!

  24. Your clutch is gorgeous and that DWR quilt top will be AMAZING!!! A fab gift but lots of work. I'd definitely take it slow and work on it in tandem with other projects (to keep you sane :-)) But be warned, you might not want to give it away when its done!

  25. Your double wedding ring is going to be spectacular!
