
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day

****This Giveaway is now closed****

It's Giveaway Day!  Welcome all from Sew Mama Sew, I'm glad you are stopping by.  This is the first time I am participating in Giveaway Day, and am so excited to have something handmade to give away.  Now on to the good stuff:

Michelle from City House Studio and I joined forces to bring you this giveaway of a handmade pincushion and matching pin toppers.  The pincushion was made by Michelle and features this adorable out of print Heather Ross fish fabric and coordinating polka dot prints.  

I added these fun pin toppers made of polymer clay to play with Swimmy.  And guess what??  If you head over to City House Studio, Michelle has a second set of this adorable pin cushion and matching pin toppers set that is up for grabs!!

Now for the nitty gritty, here's how to enter:

1.  Leave me a comment telling my about your latest or current crafty project.  (If you are a no-reply blogger, please include your e-mail in your post!)
2.  How about we add one more chance to win, become a follower, and leave me a comment, or leave a comment letting me know if you already are! (again, make sure I have your contact info if it's not listed in your profile)

The giveaway will be open until Friday, May 27th at 9:00 AM EST.  

Mr. Random draw one winner and notify him/her about their winnings (again, please please make sure I have a way to contact you, if the winner does not have contact info listed either in their profile or in their comment, a second winner will be drawn).

I am willing to ship internationally, so all are welcome!

Again, be sure to head over to Michelle's blog for a chance to win a second pin cushion and topper set!

****This Giveaway is now closed****


  1. You can see a bargello that I am extremely proud of on my blog @

    Thanks for hosting a giveaway!


  2. oh my - how darling is that!!? VERY!

  3. Darling, darling prize!
    Today I've been working on a pair of coordinating runners for our kitchen table and sideboard. Hoping to get both quilted tomorrow!
    Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

  4. I'm following, but not in a stalker kind of way!

  5. I've been working on the Birdie Stitches block of the month since my sewing room is under construction.

  6. Adorable! I'm still plugging away at my postage stamp quilt, it'll be done some day! :)

  7. The fish are lovely! I'm working on cathedral windows right now... haven't blogged about it yet, because it's still all white. :)

  8. I am working on a quilt using all solids to make log cabin flowers.

  9. I am a follower. This is fun.

  10. . I love the pincushion hexagonal ... I have not!
    quiltalong Ogge quilt I'm doing ...

  11. You know I love your little pins - so adorable! I've finally picked up working on a bed quilt for me with those nicey Janes again. Love working on it, but can't wait until it's finished.

  12. My main project right now is a little tote 'box' to carry my hand quilting. Love the cute fish.

  13. Adorable! I'm working on my very first sewing project EVER, a small doll quilt, piecing it on the first sewing machine ever invented. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. And I am now a new follower :)

  15. I am currently working on a quilt using a dolce fat quarter pack. It is proving to be very challenging :)

    (TokenAsianFriend (at) gmail (dot) com)

  16. I am already a follower :)


  17. I just made my first little pouches and some pillowcases today.
    annegoldstein412 (at) yahoo (dot) com.

  18. I am already a follower! annegoldstein412 (at) yahoo (dot) com.

  19. Oh my gosh these are so cute! Excellent giveaway.

  20. Thanks so much for the chance to win. I adore the little fishes. I finished my doll quilt for the Sacramento modern quilt guild challenge, well almost I need to finish binding it.

  21. I am a follower already, at least in google reader, I will check the followers app.

  22. So so cute - my fingers are crossed :)

    Current project - a jungle themed quilt set for the expectant friend of my niece - the quilt just needs binding, and the other pieces are in varying stages of completion - bibs, a taggy blanket and a simple stuffy :)

  23. I'm working on a lot of card making right now, but my current sewing project is an apron.

  24. I am STILL working on my bottled rainbows quilt!

  25. And I am a regular follower!

  26. and my current project - 2 pillows for my friend :)



  27. Great giveaway - thank you! I'm currently working on my Kona Solids Challenge quilt.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Wow, this is something my 9yr old niece would love...if I could actually give it to her! She is just starting to learn & I was thinking she needs a cute pincushion!
    I made a little skirt today for different niece....plans for tomorrow, another skirt!

  30. I am a follower too.
    Sorry about the deleted post, and the next one that sounds a little off. I guess I shouldn't stay up til 2:45am entering giveaways that will still be here in the morning! haha

  31. Cute pin cushion and I LOVE the fish! My current project is a baby quilt for a co-worker.

  32. This pin cushion and toppers are the cutest thing I've seen! I am currently working on a quilt for my sister's 30th birthday, but the latest thing I have completed is a quilted cushion cover for giveaway day :)

  33. This is gorgeous - those pins are just cute. My latest project is a doll sized quilt for the Brit Quilt Swap.

  34. Oh Jessica it's such a pretty little package I think it needs to come to me!! I'm working on a pinwheels quilt for my 3rd old daughter at the moment, just waiting for more sashing fabric to arrive for it!

  35. And I've been following you for a long time, love your blog :-)

  36. CUTE! Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. I'm a new follower! Cute, cute blog!

  38. I'm currently working on a table topper for my kitchen

  39. O my heck that is so cute! :)

    I am working on a king sized coin quilt for my dad for father's day. Fortunately we are going to visit for 4th of July weekend and I will hand deliver it then, so I have a little more time.

  40. Im a follower of your great blog!

  41. A Jessica Pin-topper original? YES PLEASE! :) Right now, I am working on some memorial quilts (like I have been for months! they never end!)

  42. Hi there! I am working on a big quilt (why do I think 80" should be a minimum project size? Why?) which is being put away for two weeks while my in-laws visit. Surely I am not the only one whose quilting room is also the guest bedroom? Anyways, the pins are super cute and I would love some! Thanks for the giveaway.

  43. ....and I've been a follower for a few months - read your blog on google reader....

  44. Sewing a skirt to wear to my son's graduation.Would love a pincushion with pin topper!

  45. These are adorable! :) I've been working on making lunch sacks lately, I'm not sure why, but I've been on a kick.

  46. Excited to be following, too!

  47. I made some wood flower bucket centerpieces, an redid a memo board, and just yesterday finished painting a yard sale table I found Friday:)

  48. Those pins are adorable. I'm working on summer skirts for my daughter and I.

  49. These are so darn cute! Great job you two. I am working on a bag for my mom since I have made bags for years, but never made one for her! She finally told me what she wants.

  50. this is so very fun!
    i would love to have this by my sewing machine. :) i'm currently working on a quilt and some zip pouches and some embroidery and some earrings . . . :)

  51. My current project is a large advent calendar I got the recipe for off the Moda Bake Shop. I'm a new quilter, so it's taking time but it's oh so fun!

  52. Right now I am working on some beaded projects as well as making children notebooks out of plastic canvas.

    So much fun!

    ajoyfulnoise (at) live (dot) com

  53. I've finally started making the two baby quilts I need for this summer - so far I've cut out over 250 squares and pieced four blocks...quite a way to go! Thanks for the giveaway - adorable prize!

  54. LOVE the pins and pincushion! right now, i'm working on a few quilted totes. :) great giveaway!


    jbknav at hotmail dot com

  55. My current project is a hexie quilt

  56. I am working on a big quilt that I had to put aside to make my husband some emergency tai chi pants. Always seem to get interupted . . .

  57. Adorable prize! I am currently working on making 15 angel costumes for my children's school Christmas program!

  58. I am a follower of your blog and enjoy it thoroughly! Thanks!

  59. I'm working on a 30's reproduction quilt for my little girl's bed. She loves all the girly pastels.

  60. These are adorable. I'm making some doll quilts right now and as always working on those WIPs.

  61. What a fun giveaway. I am currently loving making coin quilts.


    lyannab at gmail dot com

  62. I love quilts and I have been sewing totes as well!

  63. First I must say I love your WIP Wednesday spot. I should do that on my own, like in a journal or something, so I know what projects I have up in the air and which ones are about to fall on my head.

    Next, wait, what was I going to say? Ah yes, crafty project. I am currently working on a hoop for the Hoopla Swap. I also have 3 singles on my wheel that I want to spin into a 3 ply yarn but I can't find the top of my 4th bobbin. These kids are driving me nuts! Where did it go?!

  64. I'm working on knitting diaper covers for my little boy.

    mindfulhome at gmail dot com

  65. I'm working on a quilt similar to this ( for my friend's baby--to be born in August.

  66. MY latest craft related project involves getting the Des Moines chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild off the ground--finally! Sewed some Bee blocks this weekend...

  67. I am a follower, have been for some time now! Loving the swimmy pincushion!

  68. My latest project is not that all exciting although I'll be excited when it's done. We've had to take out the glass doors of an old breakfront/credenza when my son was born. Now that his toys have gotten "larger" (as a 3 yr boy likes his dinasaurs), I am making tapestry panels to replace the glass in the rehung doors. Soon the dinasaurs will be contained once again, and the living room will look less like Jurassic Park :)

  69. I am a follower :) Thanks to you and Michelle for joining forces and making a perfect giveaway combo!

  70. Love reading your blog and what a cute pincushion!!

  71. This is so cute! My current project is about to be a quilt for my dad's birthday. I'm procrastinating though 'cause I've never done one bigger than baby sized and am dreading cutting out the pieces, heh.

  72. I'm currently working on a baby quilt for a girlfriend due in July - and of course my never ending curtain projects have been started up again!

  73. I've been a follower for a while! ;) love the fishies

  74. I completed a batik & black quilt top yesterday. Ah, I love when that happens!

  75. Adorable give away...I started my first rag quilt yesterday for a new nephew...none to early as he arrived this a.m. :)

  76. I love those fish! I'm working on a summer skirt with applique flowers for myself. leahclaireh(at)gmail(dot)com

  77. and now I'm a follower! leahclaireh(at)gmail(dot)com

  78. i'm working on my solids challenge quilt for the BA Modern Quilt Guild!


  79. My current project is finishing UFO's! One down, many more to go!

  80. I'm currently working on cloth diapers. Trying to figure out which pattern I like best.

    limor477 at aol dot com

  81. my current project in a purse for my Mom...first try at anything this elaborate :P yikes!

  82. I love this pincushion! My current crafty project/obsession are tote bags! :)

  83. Cute!!! I'm working on some burp clothes for a friend now :)

  84. Adorable! I'm working on a bali bag, and it's driving me crazy

  85. I am in the middle of knitting this tiny doily.

  86. I love the pins. :) I just finished up a table runner, and have started a pillow and quilt. I'm much better at starting than finishing...

  87. Wow! Those are so cool!
    My current project is a giant quilt made out of old t-shirts of mine. About to start it, haven't yet...

  88. Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

    I'm currently learning to knit, and making my first dish cloth.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  89. i had been making some baby gifts for coworkers who are expecting this summer, currently i'm working on some bee blocks and our wedding quilt. so much to do and so little time! thanks for the giveaway, those pins are adorable!

  90. Just this week I sewed up a bithday bunting for my daughters birthday party!

  91. very cute prize! I just sewed my first ever dress for my daughter. And I've got fabric for the next one!

  92. Wonderful giveaway! My latest crafting project is a big embroidery hoop project for a swap. I'm learning so many new stitches, it's such fun! Who knew I was this good at embroidery?!?! :)

  93. And I follow your blog now! :)

  94. I just finished knitted a bag, perfect for trips to the farmers' market! I foresee many more knitted bags in my future as gifts for my lady friends!

  95. i just finished a very colorful crazy quilt for my bestfriends wedding present.

  96. This is really original and sweet, and I am a late-night sewer in need of a pincushion. Thanks for the chance!

  97. Ive just been trying to organize the craft room. My latest victory was that I separated all of my buttons by color into old jelly jars.

  98. Oh wow, these are CUTE! Thanks for offering the chance to win something so neat! (To answer the question, I've decided to tackle a quilt for my husband. Scary.)

  99. I'm a new follower. I love your quilts, how fun. I have only a few completed ones myself and have been quilting for about 4 years.

  100. Im currently working on finishing a tote bag. Great giveaway :D

  101. Love the fish and the pincushion! I just finished an embroidered top for my daughter. It turned out quite nicely.

  102. I am working on a quilt for my son. Love your blog!!

  103. So cute! I just finished a taggy elephant and burp cloths and am starting a twin size quilt.

  104. How super cute! Love the pins you made and, of course, everyone drools over HR fabrics. I am currently working on a tumbler quilt and some zip pouches. Thanks for the giveaway!

  105. Oh it is so cute. Love the fish! I recently made some pincushions that I love and that is my most recent project. Other than that, I am working on a dresden plate quilt which is really fun.
    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  106. These are adorable! I'm making a hexagon quilt & of course, the little pincushion caught my eye...hexagons are all I seem to see just now!!! Thanks for the chance to fingers are crossed!

  107. I'm knitting a shawl, a blanket and a pair of socks.

  108. I'm knitting a cardigan, I'm almost finished with the body and I've started the first sleeve!

  109. How cute is that??? My current project is a pattern called "Geese in the forest" it's a bunch of different sized paper pieced triangles, it is the bane of my existence, but I am determined to finish it!! LOL


    HappyQuilting at DewberryLane dot com

  110. oh cute cute cute... I am working on an apron and baby burp cloths and a couple of quilts. I usually have a number of things going on!!

  111. I'm in between projects right now but I'm looking to start an apron.

  112. Love these fishy pinchusions and topperd.

    I have just finished doing battle with some Bitty Baby clothes for a friend's wee girl's doll, with no pattern, and I'm about to embark on my first baby changing bag, again, entirely my own pattern. I've yet to see how long that particular battle will take lol

  113. Oh, and I've become a follower too :o)

  114. No projects in the works but plenty I want to complete.

  115. soso nice. i am finishing a heather ross quilt!!

  116. I'm between projects, but want to make stuffed mice for the nephews as soon as I get a chance.

    larissaesq at gmail dot com

  117. My current project is another doll. I'm addicted, what can I say?!


  118. Awesome give-away! I am finishing a one block wonder quilt among several others and eager to start more! Always making our Chic-n-stix pincushion and filling orders for them!

  119. i am stocking up on bibs, luggage tags, coffee cozies and kids aprons to sell at a farmer's market in june
    Thank you so much for the opportunity to win

  120. I love the pin cushion. I am currently knitting my first pair of socks.

  121. I am a follower...

  122. So adorable!!! My latest craft....I just finished a quilt that will be on the Moda Bake Shop within the next month....then I have another one I am working on....then I have this Sew Mama Sew quilt I am making to giveaway....then I am making some pressure vests for my boys (they have autism and it helps them stay calm)....that give you an idea???

  123. Super cute! Thanks for the giveaway. I'm in the middle of a couple of quilts.

  124. I am making a quilt for my dad's 80th birthday...

  125. I am a follower...I love reading your blog.

  126. So cute! I'm new to sewing, so I've been working on making headbands and other cute hair accessories! Thanks a lot!

  127. Thanks for the giveaway! I am really needing a pincusion.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  128. Nice prize! Just been making candles lately!

  129. Just so cute!

    I'm fixing curtains for a friend. She bought one panel but has 2 windows. I love her, but she is a bit scatterbrained:)

  130. Finishing up WIP's, a red, white, and blue one

  131. That is one cute pincushion and i need a new one! Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite new thing to sew is a Lisette pattern.

  132. i am working on a quilt i call circle me back to Amsterdam, using fabrics I bought in AMsterdam 8 years ago!

  133. Do you want my list of projects? LOL, guess you will have to check my WIP Wednesday! Seriously, I am finishing up a new top for myself right now!

  134. I LOVE THIS LITTLE PIN CUSHION!!!! I saw it over on Michelle's blog and it's my favorite giveaway item so far! DARLING! And...I'm working on a couple of quilts!

  135. Great pin cushion! And for only quilting a short time, you are doing really amazing work! Congratulations! I just finished a dress with an 8 year old friend for the Dress A Girl Around The World.

  136. So cute! I'm about to try sewing myself some maternity clothes, yikes! I don't really sew for myself so this will be an adventure. :) thanks for the chance to win!
    okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com

  137. Those pins are gorgeous!
    Just been admiring your scrappy rainbow quilt. That would be fab to snuggle under... just the thing to lift your mood on a grey day. I haven't quilted before, but am thinking of starting with a wee project like a mug rug. Like I need another expensive hobby...

  138. I dont have a pin cushion I really better win yours lol... Current project is a crocheted granny square blanket and a paper piecing quilt...

    xo Steph

  139. Those pins are so cute!

    I am in the middle of sewing up some tiny felt plushies for my daughters as well as making a felt flower embroidery hoop wreath for myself. :)

    debyeo at hotmail dot com

  140. I love this hexagon pincushion! My last crafty thing was a quilt for my nephew!

  141. What a cute pin cushion! I love the polka dots.

    I just started sewing last weekend. Since then I've made a set of coasters, a couple of hot pads, and a baby blanket. I'm going to start a simple quilt next!

  142. I am working on sewing gadget cases. the pincushions and pins are adorable

  143. working on some crib sheets. love this giveaway!

  144. Very cute - I don't own a pincushion at all, but just keep my pins (boring ones all of them) in their plastic Dritz box. Time for a change, right? Both in having a pincushion and having adorable pins!

  145. and, following. Current projects: socks, baby blanket (needs more yarn), 2 quilts...

  146. My current project is zippy pouches! :)

  147. Latest Craft Project: Waterproof Training Pants... Crafting out of necessity :)

  148. So cute, thanks for the chance. Eve, baby quilts

  149. ol tomater needs replacing - and what a replacement this would be!

    currently - i am working on garlands for my etsy shop, abc fabric illustrations, and artwork for my book!

  150. My current project is a baby quilt. I have about 5 more to make, so that will be my project for a while. Love the pincushion, thanks.

  151. Thanks for the the pincushion! I just finished up a couple of appliqued onesies for a friend. I'm finishing up (today, I hope!) some embellished kitchen towels for me...and then it's on to a faux chenille blanket for a soon-to-be-born little gal.

  152. My local chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild is lucky enough to participate in the Robert Kaufman Solids Charm Pack Challenge, and my latest craft project was sewing a quilt top with my charm pack. Thanks for the chance to win. The pins are just too adorable! akmajor (at) gmail (dot) com

  153. I just finished up an art doll that I posted today on my blog! Thank you SO much for this awesome giveaway!!! I SO LOVE IT!!! jinglesells at gmail dot com

  154. I'm currently working on some things to fill up an etsy shop! I'm going to have a grand opening blog party when I get it filled to my liking. Come follow along if you want!

    As for those fishy pin toppers! Oh my cuteness!! I would LOVE to win them!

  155. This is super cute. Thanks for the chance. Current projects-kind of all on hold as we get spring planting and weeding taken care of. After that, maybe a mat for my dog's water dish-she makes a mess and the ugly towel there isn't cutting it anymore!

  156. I'm sewing lots of summer bags!

  157. Working on a beach bag for a gift.
    Love the cushies and those pins are delightful!!

  158. These sets are so cute! The fish pins are adorable. I'm working on tote bags and some summer headbands. Thanks for the chance to win!

  159. I am currently taking a break from crafting to enter these giveaways! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  160. Cute!! My lastes project was sun hats for my kiddos from the "little things to sew" book!

  161. My current obsession is making mugrugs. I haven't made any yet, but I've been planning them in my mind

  162. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. I'm struggling to assemble a QAL sampler quilt top - using sashing for the first time.

  163. Love the pins!! I made fort kits for my sons friends birthdays this year

  164. currently working on a slip cover for my husbands chair. :-)

  165. Just finished making a tote bag for a bag swap. Love the fishy on your pincushion.

  166. I'm currently working on some camera straps and a dew other projects to fill up an etsy shop!

  167. So cute. Right now I'm working on a duffel bag that seems to have become a monster.
