
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WIP Wednesday {5.25.2011}

Thanks for visiting!  If you are looking for my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway post, it can be found here.  There's still time to enter to win!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I will forwarn you, I have been a complete sewing slacker this week, and unfortunately do not have much to show.  It just seemed that every time I had planned to sit down and get some sewing done, something else came up that needed my attention.  Don't you hate when that happens??  Well, that coupled with a nasty case of sunburn I encountered this past weekend, has had me wanting to do as little moving around as possible.

In Progress

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

I did buckle down last night (while watching Hines win the Mirror Ball trophy!!) and get to work on my double wedding ring quilt.  I pieced together two more blocks...for a grand total of 3 complete blocks.  I think that leaves only 17 more to go...

Please ignore those awful puckers on the block on the left...I'm counting on those crinkling right out once the top is pieced and quilted.  Despite the million times I've already pricked my fingers while pinning all those darn curves, I really am happy with how this is turning out.  Slow and steady is definitely the way with this, I have a little over 2 months to get this finished up...and I think I will take just about every second of that time to do so!

New Projects

Baby Shower Gift
No pictures to show here...I have a baby shower to attend this Saturday, and it has kind of snuck up on me!  I am planning to get some baby sewing done this evening, I'm thinking a few baby bibs, possibly some burp cloths and a diaper wreath will do just the trick!

Quilt tops awaiting quilting

Central Park Baby Quilt
Postage Stamp Quilt

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 0
Ongoing Projects: 7

May Bee Blocks
Postage Stamp Quilt
Central Park Baby Quilt
Double Wedding Ring Quilt
Bride-y Sewing
June Block Prep
Baby Sewing


  1. Oh I would love to see that diaper wreath once it is done! Your double wedding rings quilt is beautiful!

  2. What a beautiful double wedding ring! Good luck with the rest of the blocks, I'm sure it will be a great quilt!

  3. I'll bet those wrinkles will wash right out after some quilting :) Those double wedding rings look super amazing!!!

  4. Your double-wedding rings are beautiful! That's going to be an amazingly beautiful quilt when you get it finished.

  5. The double wedding ring is looking amazing, I love it!

  6. You double-wedding ring is looking wonderful. I would love to try that someday.

  7. I love this!! Gorgeous color choices. It is on my lifetime bucket list of quilts to make! Don't worry about the imperfections. Wrinkles make great crinkles!

  8. The double wedding ring is beautiful, good luck on making the deadline! I have a baby shower approaching too, luckily i have a bit more time for a gift...

  9. That is going to be a beautiful quilt - your blocks are lovely!

  10. Jess, the double rings are looking great!!


  11. I love your colors on the double rings. That's going to be gorgeous!
