
Sunday, June 5, 2011

quilt along? yes please!

The last thing I need right now is another quilty project to get myself into, but when I saw Elizabeth, of Don't Call me Betsy was hosting a kaleidoscope quilt along, I couldn't help but join in!   I've actually been wanting to make one of these for some time, so why not now.  

Elizabeth has posted the basic fabric requirements here, so go ahead, check it out and join in!

I knew I wanted to make this pretty scrappy, and work from my ever growing stash, so here's what I'm thinking:

Kind of a range of warm and cool tones in a mish mosh of fabrics from my stash.  There are a few I'm still thinking of subbing out, but for now I'm excited to get to work!

There's still time to join in the quilt along, I don't think it technically starts until June 23, when cutting instructions will be posted, but what do you think?  Quilt Along anyone??

Oh, and on an aside, we had a cookout yesterday, and I just had to snap a few pics of my quilts being put to good use:

anabelle quilt 1

anabelle quilt 1

Melts my heart, the only thing that makes a quilt even better is when you have an adorable little baby crawling around on it!  


  1. Those colours look like the ones I'm thinking of! Yay!

  2. I am going to use my Denyse Schmidt prings (I have the blues & greens) & thinking of adding in some grays....anxious to get going on it!
    Oh, & your quilt w/baby looks great!

  3. That pile of fabric for the QAL looks fabulous.

    Love the baby on the quilt shots!
