
Friday, October 28, 2011

visiting the farm

It has been entirely too long since I pulled out my Farmers Wife book and put together some blocks.  I'll blame it on that darn basket block that's technically next.  Yes there was great inner debate, do I just suck it up and make the darn block, or skip it.  Yes it seems just as ridiculous in my head as it does while I'm writing this that one silly block had halted my progress.  

But alas, after seeing Michelle's awesomely amazing Farmers Wife quilt top, it was just the kick in the pants I needed to get busy.

Farmers Wife QAL #36
Block #36 Flower Garden

I did indeed decide to skip the basket block, and jumped back into things with quite a doozy, but it came together quite nicely in the end.  It was one of those blocks where at one point I just sent up a prayer that in the end the points would somewhat meet and my version of the block would somewhat resemble the picture in the book.  My prayer was answered and all was well.  The orange fabric is Kate Spain Central Park, the pink is Oh My! by Sanae for Moda and the green is Kate Spain Verna.  I actually stuck to the featured colors in the book for this one, and am happy with the way it turned out.

Block #39 Friendship

I decided to skip a few blocks to something a little easier to balance out block #36 and went to town on the Friendship block.  Easy peasy.  I wish I would have stuck with a little more color cohesion, this is a little all over the place for me, but I suppose I'm ok with it.  I used some Amy Butler, Riley Blake, Its a Hoot and Denyse Schmidt to complete this block.

Friendship Block
Block #40 Friendship Block.

Yup.  There's a "Friendship" and a "Friendship Block"  not that that could be confusing at all.  This might be up there with my favorites of the blocks I've made.  My only misstep that I didn't realize until I was taking pictures of the block on my design wall was I forgot to fussy cut the center on point!  D'oh.  Oh well, I'm ok with it.  I think what I might do instead of all these darn flower blocks that I am so not over the moon about is remake a few blocks that I actually do like in place of them.  This may be one.  I used some Tufted Tweets chairs as the focus fabric.  

Farmers Wife Progress

Since these blocks are beginning to take up every inch of my design wall, I think this is a better way to display what I have so far.  I think I'm missing a block or two from this pic, but I'm really happy with how they all play so nicely with one another.  I'm officially back on the Farmers Wife bandwagon with my new resolved outlook on the blocks.  

More to come next week!


  1. Wow, your blocks look so amazing together. Awesome.

  2. They all look great - particularly love #40!

  3. I am impressed! The blocks look fab together! Flower Garden is amazing!

  4. Great work and good for coming back to it!

  5. Oh wow! The blocks look very complicated but seen together like that they are amazing!

  6. So glad I could be of some inspiration!
    Your blocks are beautiful, Jessica!

  7. They're very pretty, Jess. I'm happy for YOU to be doing them so quilters like me can sit back and appreciate! They're really great! No, I'm NOT going to be sucked into making them too!

  8. Found you via jonquils & ladybugs...

    Your blocks are amazing, love the bright colors...

  9. Thats going to be a great quilt!


  10. love those bright colours and bold prints!
