
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WIP Wednesday {10.26.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Oh Wednesday, why must you sneak up on me so??  There are just not enough hours in the day/days in the week to get all I want accomplished!  Here's what's been going on this week...

Completed Projects

Chocolate Sanctuary baby quilt

Chocolate Sanctuary baby quilt

I finished up this baby boy quilt and it is now off to its new home.  More on this quilt here.

In Progress

ABC Sampler

Daisy Chain ABC Crewelwork Sampler

I am just absolutely in love with working on this sampler.  Each letter is different, so its been fun learning all the different stitches.  This little guy has been keeping me company on the couch as the hubby is enthralled with all the scary movies on TV this time of year...totally not my cup of tea.  

Farmers Wife QAL

Farmers Wife QAL #36

I jumped back in to the Farmers Wife QAL with two feet last night, and boy did I pick a doozy to get to work on!  This block took almost an hour and a half to finish, but I'm really pleased with how it came together.  (yay for matching points!!)

This Weeks Stats:
New Projects: 0
Completed Projects: 0
In Progress: 5

Chocolate Sanctuary Baby Quilt
Daisy Chain ABC Sampler
Birdie Stitches
October Bee Blocks
Blocks that need to be turned into a quilt top
Spiderweb Blocks
3x6 bee blocks
UFO Quilt Tops (maybe, someday)
Postage Stamp
Central Park squares

Be sure to stop over at Freshly Pieced and add your WIP.


  1. Oh, I still love your Chocolate Sanctuary quilt so much! And that Sampler is amazing. I am doing the same thing - handwork during the horrible Halloween movies in the evening. Why must guys be scared when they watch tv?

  2. Wow, that FW block is insane!!! Wow! It looks amazing, though :) Love your handwork ABC project, it's looking so fantastic! I love your chocolate baby quilt, too, it's so darling!

  3. yay matching points!! It all looks lovely and Wednesdays really do seem to come around fast :)

  4. Wow...these are all amazing! I just love how your sampler is coming...what fabric did you use? How big are each letter?

  5. Love the baby quilt! I know it will be loved.

  6. Some day I'll be able to start on the abc sampler!! Great work woman

  7. I think I've commented on most of these items already in past posts, but I just love them so much have to comment again! Especially that brown quilt, LOVE it!

  8. Your FW block looks great - well worth the hard work it took!

  9. WOW! I love the Chocolate Sanctuary quilt and your embroidery!

  10. I love that baby quilt! Too cute. I love the colors.

  11. Love that baby quilt! I am really into chocolate right now!

  12. Looking good Jess!!! I do love that baby quilt.

  13. Love how your sampler is coming along, and super impressed with that block!

  14. Chocolate sanctuary, a neat name. It looks wonderful.

  15. Love, love, love the Chocolate Sanctuary and the sampler is beautiful

  16. Chocolate Sanctuary is a real delight! And I loooove how your sampler is coming along! NICE!

  17. I really like the Chocolate Sanctuary quilt (and the name!!!) and I also like the sampler. It is perfect!!!


  18. Your fwqa looks great. My last block was a comedy of errors. Good for you!
