
Friday, November 4, 2011

little quilt swap-sent

I entered into another round of the Little Quilt-Sew, Vote, Swap group over on Flickr, and this was the mini that I entered into the swap.  I am completely smitten with this mini, and had a very hard time packaging it up and shipping it off to its new home!  It should be arriving any day now, hopefully its well received!

This little mini is made entirely of scraps from my scrap bin and measures 14" x 17".  The solid is Kona white, and I'm completely blanking on the binding!  I know its a Moda print (like that helps!) I wanna say from Me and My Sister Designs, but don't quote me on that.  

I have plans to turn this mini into a full size quilt in the near future, I just need to decide if I should control the color palate a little, or go full out scrappy.  Decisions, decisions.

Hopefully this little mini enjoys its new home, and its new owner is just as taken with it as I am!


  1. That quilt is adorable! I say go scrappy. Your scraps seem to go so well together anyway :)

  2. I had a look at the group and there's no competition, I would have picked yours as my favourite! Think I might take part in one of the swaps myself in the new year... too many xmas presents to make before then!

  3. Holy cow, gorgeous!!! I love this mini, Jess!!

  4. Your work is amazing Jess! I predict big things for you! I hope you receive a quilt that you love as much!

  5. I love this one! You did a great job! (I haven't received anything in the mail yet so I'm still crossing my fingers for this.) ;)

  6. Oh it's gorgeous! I can see how you got rather attached to it...

  7. Fabulous - I'm not surprised you had trouble parting with it!

  8. Wow! Well done. That is gorgeous!

  9. Oh I don't think I could have let it go! It is so beautiful and I agree that you should do a big scrappy one because your scraps are beautiful

  10. A very eye catching mini for sure! :)

  11. It's absolutely divine! A big one would be gorgeous!

  12. It's beautiful. I would have had trouble parting with it too.

  13. Hi, tolle Seite. Ich suche immer neue Ideen was man aus Patchwork Stoffe Meterware schönes nähen kann. Lieben Gruss

  14. I love the full out scrappy look! Beautiful mini!

  15. I have to's gorgeous...and it looks even better in person! I love it so much, Jess. I hope you do make a big one and show us how you did it. I could probably figure it out, but I do much better with help. Thank you so much - I LOVE my new mini!!
