
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

WIP Wednesday {11.2.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Its Wednesday...and it's November??  When exactly did that happen?  Seriously I feel like it was just summer, like yesterday, and now next month is Christmas?   Crazy, just crazy.  Anyways, here's whats new!

Completed Projects

Solid Bee

4x5 Hive 14 Q3

Simply Strings for LRStitched

In Progress

Terrain Quilt

The nerd in me came out this weekend, and I pulled out my graph paper, pencil and ruler and did some quilty calculations to get started on a new quilt.  I have been hoarding my stash of Terrain for some time now, waiting for a worthy project, and I think I've found it.

This is whats occupying my design wall at the moment, still in the very very rough beginning stages, but I'm excited to work on this quilt some more and see where it goes.  

4x5 Bee Blocks

Hive 14 Quarter 3 4x5 bee blocks

These are the blocks that I received from the third quarter of the 4x5 modern quilt bee.  The fourth quarter has just started, and the ladies in my hive are so awesome, I can't wait to get working on their  blocks!

Farmers Wife QAL

Farmers Wife Progress

40 blocks down, only 70 more to go...

This Weeks Stats:
New Projects: 2
Completed Projects: 1
In Progress: 6

Terrain Quilt
4x5 Bee Blocks
Daisy Chain ABC Sampler
Birdie Stitches
October Bee Blocks
Blocks that need to be turned into a quilt top
Spiderweb Blocks
3x6 bee blocks
UFO Quilt Tops (maybe, someday)
Postage Stamp
Central Park squares

Stop over at Freshly Pieced and add your WIP!


  1. 70 farmers wife blocks to go? Way to be positive! That might be my 2012 project. Looking forward to seeing how your Terrain quilt develops. Looks good so far!

  2. oh wow, can't wait to see that graph paper come to life. That looks pretty cool!

  3. sheesh! you have a lot going on! i really like the blocks on your design wall. very modern and fun!

  4. Love what you're doing with that Terrain!!

  5. Glad to see I'm not the only one with several projects in the works. I really like the layout you are using for the Terrain fabric.

  6. Wow, I love it all. The bee blocks are amazing.

  7. I look forward to seeing your terrain quilt. Very nice

  8. Your bee blocks and your FWQAL blocks look so amazing! That FWQ is going to be amazing after all 2000 blocks are done :). And, your terrain quilt is beautiful. I love my graph paper notebook, but I do agree that it is my inner nerd that loves it most.

  9. I like all your projects! Once again :O). The terrain quilt pattern is very cool, I've got something like that going on in my head too!

  10. These all look fab (oh, and I have my own nerdy graph paper ;o) )

  11. Everything is looking fabulous! I love all of your blocks.

  12. Your blocks look great! And love the Terrain ones..I have a Terrain charm pack I need to do something with!
