
Saturday, January 7, 2012

4x5 bee blocks

4x5 Hive 6 Quarter 4 blocks

After spending the morning deChristmasing our house, (so depressing, I know.  I feel like I just put all that stuff up, and it's already time to take it down) I hunkered down in my sewing room and paper pieced my little heart out to get my 4x5 bee hive mates blocks completed.  I used QuiltJane's tutorial and paper piecing pattern from the Desperate Housewives Quilt Along to put together these blocks, and I am in love.  I don't know that I'd have the time or the patience to make an entire quilt of these blocks, but they are my favorite block I've made in some time, and totally worth the time and effort.  

Hive 6 Quarter 4- for Naomi/linen&string

Hive 6 Quarter 4- for Leona/oneygirl

Hive 6 Quarter 4- for Jill/fallingforpieces

Hive 6- Quarter 4- for Michelle/The Quilted Tortoise

Hive 6- Quarter 4- for Laura/needles, pins and baking tins

4x5 quarter 4 hive 6 test block
my test block

As you can see, most of the ladies in my hive (including myself) are into aqua/blue/green, so I had fun digging through my scrap bins that are overflowing with different blue fabrics to put these blocks together.  Hopefully they will be just as smitten with these blocks as I am, I know it will be hard to ship these off to their new homes later this week! 

{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations

I'll be linking up to sew modern monday!


  1. Oh wow, those are amazing! Lucky bee mates!

  2. Jessica, they are totally awesome. love love love.

  3. Holy smokes! Those bloacks are crazy awesome - LOVE the one for Laura especially!

  4. i can't see why they wouldn't be - they're really something - well done you

  5. Wow!!! Talk about some dedication! I certainly wouldn't be able to send these out. Gorgeous!

  6. Gorgeous blocks. Keep going, you're doing great!

  7. Wow! That block is very impressive!

  8. Wow, so darned awesome!! I love this block!

  9. You just about had a whole quilt!! And you're giving most of them away! Beautiful!

  10. Gorgeous! I love mine! Thank you so much for all the hard work!

  11. These are beautiful, Jessica! I've definitely got to check out that tutorial!

  12. Wow, I love those blocks, they look terrific!

  13. Gorgeous blocks, Jess! I had hoped to get my blocks done today, but one thing led to another and I only finished 1. They are all cut out, but I'll need another 5 hours to get the sewing done.

  14. I was going to say 'wow' but everyone else seems to be saying that so how about 'amazing'!

  15. I love those color combinations. I cant tell which is my favorite.

  16. These are stunning. Wonderful work.

  17. They are just fantastic Jess! LOVE LOVE LOVE them! You have inspired me to keep this in mind for a future block myself!

  18. Fabulous collections of scraps on each block. I particularly like the clamshell-pattern middle of one of your blocks. They do look very labour intensive though so I can see why you would be uncertain about making a whole quilt!

  19. Fabulous collections of scraps on each block. I particularly like the clamshell-pattern middle of one of your blocks. They do look very labour intensive though so I can see why you would be uncertain about making a whole quilt!

  20. Wow - fantastic and very special blocks!

  21. Very impressive. Love the colors

  22. these are amazing. the colors and the sheer design - I'm smitten! great work

  23. So darn FABULOUS! They jump right off the computer screen. : ) Great job, Jess!

  24. Jessica, those blocks are gorgeous! Wow!

  25. love them!! super beautiful :)

  26. Gorgeous block! I was hoping to use this one in a sampler quilt I'm making, but the blog is no longer active. I know it's been a few years, but I don't suppose you still have the pattern file you'd be willing to share?
