
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

WIP Wednesday { 1.4.2012}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Oh how happy am I to see WIP Wednesday back in the new year!  It's like I almost feel lost without it.  I do well with lists, and WIP Wednesday is most definitely my quilty to do list, with fun pictures!  

Completed Projects

Deep Deep Sea baby quilt

deep deep sea baby quilt

I finished up this commissioned baby quilt over the New Year weekend.  I just need to embroider baby Jeremiah's name on it, and it will be shipped off to snuggle with its new owner.

Custom Nook Cover

This was Bertha's first project, and a fun custom Nook cover for my soon to be sister in law!  (Congrats Stephen and Amanda, they got engaged on New Years Eve!)  I loosely used this tutorial from fresh lemons and adapted it to fit a Nook instead of an iPad.  

In Progress

4x5 Bee Blocks

4x5 quarter 4 hive 6 test block

I'm typically not one to wait until the last minute, but with the holidays and such, these 4x5 bee blocks seemed to have fallen to the bottom of the priority list until now.  I'm using this paper pieced pattern from the Desperate Housewives Quilt Along.  Two of my bee mates blocks are finished, with three to go, hopefully I will be getting these in the mail this weekend.

New Projects

Crochet Afghan

I had been coveting this fun crocheted afghan on Pinterest for some time now, with hopes to make it one day, the only problem being that I didn't know how to crochet.  Luckily my mom does know how, and over the holiday's shared her secrets, and showed me how to crochet.  

Learning to crochet  

I've been crocheting up a storm while watching back episodes of The Big Bang Theory (how did I now know how funny this show is until now??)  This will be a WIP for some time I have a feeling, but I'm really enjoying working on it, and the colors are so so pretty!

I've decided I'm doing away with listing my pretty much at this point stalled projects, and only listing the ones that I'm currently working on, or have plans for the immediate future to work on.  No sense in nagging myself with projects that have no timeline for completion, but hopefully you'll be seeing them pop up here and there over the coming year!

This weeks stats:

New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 2
In Progress: 4 (so refreshing to have a clean slate!)

4x5 Bee Blocks
January Bee Blocks
Crochet Afghan
Farmers Wife QAL (I'm starting this again this week, I swear)

Whats on your WIP list this week?  Head over to Freshly Pieced and link up!




  1. Great projects, and I agree about wip Wednesday! Especially love your 4x5 blocks - nice!!

  2. The big bang theory is indeed hilarious! Can you imagine having a Sheldon in your life?? Love your baby quilt.

  3. Those are some great projects! My family and I are hooked on The Big Bang Theory. How can you not...

  4. I love the Big Bang Theory! Okay, baby quilt is totally awesome! Love the colors of this and the Nook cover. The block looks really nice, looks like paper piecing which I don't have the patience for. Diggin' the colors you chose for the afghan. I follow you but saw this at WIP first.


  5. Love the colors of the baby quilt and that fabulous 4x5 bee block!

  6. Another fantastic quilt with a white background! Now I must make one in 2012. AFTER I make a Kindle case for my DIL - I'm sure I can adapt that Ipad case easily. Thanks for the tutorial.

  7. The bee block looks fantastic, I cannot wait to see mine!!!

  8. Totally love Big Bang Theory, got all the seasons on DVD. I'm been hooked on crochet lately too, some embroidery as well. Too many crafty hobbies vying for my attention.

    Your bee block looks great!

  9. That bee block is stunning! Love the yellows/oranges and the blues together.

  10. I love your underwater quilt (especially that large panel in the back!) and I love that block! That is a lot of paper piecing!

  11. Great projects! And I love the Big Bang Theory! One of the funniest shows on TV.

  12. Your 4X5 bee block is to die for - I'm in awe!

  13. Loving the 4x5 block you decided to do! Can't wait to call one of them mine! We love Big Bang Theory at our house! SO FUNNY!

  14. aahh... that would feel nice to have a good short list like that! Love that 4x5 block, very cool!

  15. Good for you, I like that idea, ditching the stalled projects on your list. I might just try that myself next week! I adore your 4x5 block, your bee girls are super lucky!

  16. I looooove your 4x5 blocks!! Just incredible. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  17. Oh, I LOVE those bee blocks you're making!

  18. That Bee block is GORGEOUS! Glad to have discovered WIP Wednesday!

  19. Love the 4 X 5 block, super pretty!!

  20. Ooooh, that bee block is awesome! I've just signed up for the next round so I'm super, super excited :)

  21. Glad you could use my block in your bee. It looks great in those colours.

  22. I am loving that 4x5 Bee block. Seriously, it's stunning!

  23. Very nice! Love your fabric choices!! I'm a huge "Big Bang" fan too!

  24. wow, that's a lot of sewing in the paper-pieced block, but it looks great!
