Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WIP Wednesday {4.18.2012}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

While I was waiting for the rest of my Kona Aqua to arrive to start on my Owly baby quilt, I decided to dive right into a project I've had on my mind for some time now using my Drunkards Path Accuquilt GO! die.  Ever since appliqueing this pillow, I thought "hey I could piece this using the drunkards path die."  Its nice to finally see this idea coming together in fabric. 


Most of Saturday was spent pulling fabrics, and turning that crank to cut the pieces, while Sunday was spent designing the arrangement and finally beginning to stitch some blocks together.  I am so happy that I had no intentions of giving this one away when I started it, because I'm loving where its headed.  I really forced myself to step out of my comfort zone color-wise, and I think I must do so more often!  

Now that my Kona Aqua has finally arrived perhaps I'll give that owly baby quilt some love this week, but for now, it continues to sit in a pile, cut and patiently waiting to be pieced.

baby quilt cut and ready to be pieced

Before wrapping up this weeks post, I have to give a shout out to my Aunt Linda who just sent me a picture of her first completed quilt top!  We took our first Joann's sewing/quilting lessons together a year or two ago, and this is her first completed top all on her own.  I just love it to pieces, all those bright fun colors, and on point to boot?  Just perfect.  She says that the points don't line up, but from my view, its lookin' pretty awesome! 

Aunt lindas quilt top

What have you been working on this week??   Head over to Freshly Pieced and add your WIP!


  1. I really need to put my drunkard's path die to work! That project is looking great. And I'm loving your Aunt Linda's quilt!

  2. OH, those scallops! i think that is, no exaggeration, my favorite quilt pattern of all time. gorgeous work you're doing!

  3. Love your drunkards path quilt (I want to get that die and the apple core) and fun colors for your owly baby quilt. Your aunt did a phenomenal job on her quilt!

  4. Ok; I need to get a Drunkards Path die...your pieces are wonderful Jess. I really love the pillow; but the owl fabric is to die for....very nice.

  5. Love the drunkard's path quilt. Drunkard's path are one of my favorite blocks. Awesome quilt your Aunt made.

  6. I love how you are using the DP blocks! Very creative. If I wasn't already working on getting some DP blocks sewn into a top, I would be tempted to try this out. :) Just fabulous!

  7. That scallop quilt is awesome!!!! Do you think it is do-able without the accuquilt? I'm having quilt envy!

  8. I love that layout for the drunkards path blocks! And the colors are amazing! I think I need to add that to my list... :)

  9. I love that clamshell pattern you chose for the DP blocks! That is so pretty.... I need some new pillow covers for my living room, and that would be perfect!

  10. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE that scallop quilt!!! It is ridiculously awesome! What a great way to construct it, too. I have the Go Baby Drunkard's Path die, so this one might have to get added to my to-do list!! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  11. Hi Jessica! I really love your drunkard's path quilt - how lovely it is and your colours are beautiful! I want to try those, too!
    Also the big quilt top is fantastic! Tell wishes to your Aunt Linda that it's so beautiful! x Teje

  12. I really love the drunkards path quilt- just gorgeous- fantastic work.

  13. Awesome drunkard's path quilt! I have been wanting to make a clamshell/scallop/whatever you want to call it but I didn't want to do all of that handsewing to get it. It never occurred to me to make one using drunkard's path blocks! Definitely keeping this in the back of my mind for future use. Great job!

  14. Loving your scallops, and go Aunt Linda!

  15. Loving your scallops, too! Beautiful!
    And how fun to have an aunt to quilt with!

  16. Your projects are great, love the little hilarious owls!! And yay for Aunt Linda. The quilt top looks amazing. And really, whose points all line up anyways?! Certainly not mine!

  17. The scallops are so gorgeous! Your Aunt's quilt looks great :)

  18. Goodness gracious, you're making me want to bust out my AccuQuilt right now!! I really love that scallop quilt you're working on, it's so fab :)

  19. beautiful colors in your projects! And congrats to your aunt - her quilt looks awesome!

  20. your scallop piecing is brilliant, and I am in love with Aunt Linda's quilt!!

  21. Love your quilt, Aunty Linda, so bright and cheery!
