
Friday, May 18, 2012

an owl-y quilt top


Remember this stack of fabric?  Well I finally got around to doing something with it, and now have a quilt top to show.  This is a commissioned baby quilt for my aunt that I agreed to make, because I just can't seem to say no :-)  When she told me the mom was "really into cute little owls" for the nursery, I knew I had just the perfect fabric, and this quilt had to be made.  I used my last little bits of this Ann Kelle Urban Zoologie owl fabric, which I just love to pieces, and some coordinating prints and solids.  


I used Amy's Chain Linked pattern as my inspiration, and doctored the size to make a nice little baby quilt.  This quilt came together super quick, and I will be adding this to my arsenal of baby quilt ideas,  I can see it in so many different color combinations!


Unfortunately my FMQ foot bit the dust on the last quilt I was working on, so until I can get a replacement, this quilt top will sit waiting, but hopefully not for long!  Happy weekend sewing, I will be stalking twitter, vicariously living through all the lucky ones attending Spring Quilt Market! 


  1. Hi! Your owl quilt is so beautiful! I love the colours and the pattern! x Teje

  2. That's adorable! I love the colors and the little owls. :D

  3. It's perfect with the cute little owls!

  4. This is adorable! The color combinations are perfect.

  5. I love those owls and this pattern is fab! Great baby quilt! Hope you get another foot soon :)

  6. Adorable! I love Ann kelle. Hope you are fmqing soon!

  7. I love this pattern and your quilt top looks so clean and lovely.

  8. Oh my gosh I love this quilt tops, love the owls and love the cool blue and white. This is refreshing and beautiful!!!

  9. Gorgeous quilt! That owl print is adorable. I was most fortunate to get to go to market and will be blogging with pictures soon. Actually, the whole weekend was awesome with happenings quite out of the norm. Can't wait to get to my NEW sewing machine!
