
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

WIP Wednesday {5.16.2012}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I'm still here!  I promise!  I feel like its been eons since I've been around these bloggy parts...I've been quite busy doing some behind the scenes work, working on my quilt for market (which I'll show you next week) and we were out of town for the weekend, so I feel like I'm just now settling back into normalcy.  There's not much to show, but heres a little bit of what's been going on!

Last minute new pillows

Pillow Back with Zipper Flap

As I was perusing Joann's last night with my coveted 60% scratch-off coupon (I ultimately bought them out of Kona white, and saved a bajillion dollars on it with the coupon), I came across some super pretty summery home dec weight fabrics that I thought would be great for new pillows in our living room.  I whipped up two last night, super simple slip covers.  It felt nice to just do some easy sewing with a quick result.  I accidentally bought regular zippers instead of invisible zippers, so I used Sew Mama Sew's zipper flap tutorial and am super happy with how they turned out.  I'm going to just work on a few here and there until I hopefully have 8 total.

SewCraftyJess Makeover


After creating a new blog header, I was inspired to order some new business cards, and some new fabric labels, with my new logo of sorts, and I couldn't be more pleased with how they turned out.  The business cards are from Vista Print and my labels are from Mommiemadeit on etsy.

Kitchen Facelift


Since finishing painting our cabinets, we've been stalled just waiting for the new coutertops to come in.  After  living like this for the past two days, I'm thrilled to report that the men are installing our coutertops, new sink and dishwasher as we speak!  Yippee!

That about sums up whats new in these parts!  I'm off to enjoy a rare day off of work Wednesday, and do a little sewing just because.  Be sure to head over to Freshly Pieced and add your WIP!


  1. Love that pillow! Joanns does have some nice home dec fabrics. Nice deal, 60% off kona white! The kitchen is looking great.

  2. Your pillow is gorgeous. I love the fabric.
    The kitchen is looking good.

  3. Great pillow fabric. I have some serious Joann's envy!

  4. I got a 60% scratch-off coupon too! Thanks for reminding me. I think I'll stock up on some batting.

    Love your pillow!

  5. What an adorable pillow Jess! So cheerful...and your new them!

  6. Busy, busy! Cute cushions too :o)

  7. Thanks for the zipper flap link, I just may give that one a try. Yours turned out super cute. I like the new cards too.

  8. That pillow is gorgeous! And I do the same thing when I get a good coupon for Joann's or Hancocks - go for the Kona neutrals!

  9. fun! The cushion looks great and the cards are gorgeous :) Love the logo!
    The kitchen is looking so nice too x

  10. I also got a 60% off coupon and I stocked up on batting. Kona white is a good idea, too.

  11. I appreciate that you shared the hidden zipper tutorial. I'm going to check it out and save it.
    I have a lot of sewing to learn, but I am learning things along the way.

  12. Woohoo! Lots of exciting things going on in your neck of the woods. Love your new "logo of sorts".
