
Monday, May 21, 2012

SMS Giveaway Day

*****************This Giveaway is now closed*****************

It's that time of year again, and one of my absolute favorites, Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day!  Welcome to my little corner of the blog-o-sphere, and thanks for stopping by.

If you're new to sewcraftyjess, again hello and welcome, please, stay and play for a little!  My name is Jessica and over the past two and a half years I have become quite the quilting enthusiast.  My eye is always drawn to bright fun modern prints, which makes up the bulk of my fabric stash.    For Giveaway Day, I thought I'd do a little destashing, and giveaway a few fat quarters of Denyse Schmidt FMF reprint fabric.  I was so so excited when I found out this fabric was being re-released, as the first release was a little before my quilting time.  I was a little overzealous, and ordered way more than I ever think I'll use.  

Now onto the good stuff, here's what's up for grabs:


I'll be giving away six fat quarters of Denyse Schmidt Flea Market Fancy reprint as pictured.


As for the nitty gritty, here's how to enter:

1.  Leave me a comment telling my about your latest or current crafty project.  (If you are a no-reply blogger, please include your e-mail in your post!)
2.  How about we add one more chance to win, become a follower, and leave me a comment, or leave a comment letting me know if you already are! (again, make sure I have your contact info if it's not listed in your profile)

The giveaway will be open until Friday, May 25th at 5:00 PM PST.  

Mr. Random draw one winner and I will notify him/her about their winnings (again, please please make sure I have a way to contact you, if the winner does not have contact info listed either in their profile or in their comment, a second winner will be drawn).

I will ship internationally, so all are welcome!


  1. Jess I'm working on a cute quilt for my niece for her graduation gift! The fabrics are by Riley Blake it's very modern looking, I'm loving it. And yes I'm a follower. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  2. I have so many projects in the works...the one I'd like to get finished first is my son's Dresden plate (from Lilly's Quilts) in batiks.

  3. Thanks for the giveaway! I am currently working on a car themed quilt for my cousin's boyfriend who is a mechanic. It had been a challenge to say the least. Bright and colorful this is not.

  4. I am a follower.

  5. lisawalsh@frontiernet.netMay 21, 2012 at 10:07 PM

    I am a follower. Thanks

  6. lisawalsh@frontiernet.netMay 21, 2012 at 10:08 PM

    My current project is a cute Heather Bailey purse for my daughter.

  7. My latest project is the Reunion cushion covers for our living room. Stalled out though, waiting for the backing fabric to arrive!

  8. I'm between projects right now because I've just moved and my fabric is packed! My last project was a pillowcase dress for my grand- nice and I wan my next one to be the Wiksen Tova.

  9. I'm working on the merry, merry snowman quilt from bunny hill. Because it is appliqué (machine), it is a stretch for me. I'm also finishing up the strawberry fields designer mystery block of the month from fat quarter shop.

  10. I follow you in google reader and I love flea market fancy.

  11. I'm a new quilter too. Unfortunately I've been away from my machine for 2 months, but I'm going home on Sunday and I am SO excited to start sewing again! Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  12. I'm finishing a granny square block quilt made with "Quilt Blocks" fabric...super cute!

  13. My current project is a Retro Flowers quilt!

  14. i follow you via blogger!

  15. I've got three quilt tops just waiting to be quilted... I'll get around to it eventually :)

  16. Right now I'm trying to finish a quilt for my daughter's room, so I can move on to some fun smaller projects!

  17. I'm a new follower of your blog, thank you for the giveaway!

  18. I just finished up a new bag for me. It's so nice to make something for myself!

  19. I just finished a sewing machine cover and my Hopscotch quilt, and now am catching up on some bee blocks.

  20. I'm working on some summer knits for my kids. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  21. I am working on a needle book!

  22. I am a follower.

  23. I am a follower.

  24. I just finished a bag for a friends Sweet Sixteen and I am working on a bag for myself.

  25. Love! I am happy to have a chance to get some of this. My current project is the May Schnibbles - Doc. It is card trick blocks made from charm squares.

  26. I'm working on baby quilts for twin girls, using "A Walk in the Woods" and "Sherbet Pips"; thanks for chance to win! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)

  27. I am already one of your followers. Love your blog.

  28. I am currently working on destashifying my sewing space, and clearing away clutter, so no creative products at the moment. But I have been wanting to try locker hooking.

  29. My current project is a baby quilt using some vintage fabric from my grandma

  30. I'm working on some new kitchen stuff, curtains, placemats, potholders.

  31. Finishing a summer table runner. Thanks for the giveaway.

  32. I'm working on a swoon quilt and a plethora of baby gifts. These would be perfect to make into a baby quilt. Thank you the giveaway.

  33. Just added you to my list of blogs to follow -- thanks. So much inspiration from all of you out there.

  34. I have several crafty things going on right now. I am making my Mother a tote, I am hand piecing a dresdan plate and just taught myself how to paper piece and started a paper pieced log cabin and loving it. Would love to have this fabric!

  35. Thanks so much for the generous giveaway! I'm making totes for my friends who are part of my Pay it Forward 2012 group. And piecing a quilt back.

    lwghosts at yahoo dot com

  36. I am working on blocks from the Farmers Wife book.

  37. I am working on a feathered star quilt, a granny square quilt, and about ten others!!!

  38. I am starting to plan what I want to English paper piece while the kids are in the pool. I am thinking about a combo of 6 pointed stars and hexagons.

  39. I am a long time follower Jess !

  40. And I'm about to start quilting my Summer Stars quilt- by hand!!

  41. I am working on a garden fences quilt for my niece. I am using Riley Blake's Indian Summer. It is looking gorgeous :)

  42. I am a follower of your blog. I love it! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

  43. I am a follower! Great giveaway, thanks for the chance.

  44. I have sooooo many projects. A string quilt, postage stamp quilt, swoon, tons of swap blocks and much more!

  45. and I just this minute finished a quilt using Ruby and using a pattern from Lauren and Jessi Jung called garden trellis!

  46. I am currently working on my AMH Prism QAL. When that is done I am going to make her infinity scarf-I ordered the voile to do it with & it is just lovely.

  47. I just finished a rag blanket and next on my list is some t-shirts for moi!

  48. I just finished a patchwork elephant quilt for my 19 year old granddaughter.

  49. I'm making a graduation quilt for my little brother!

  50. Lots of bags and mini quilts lately. Thanks so much for sharing this great fabric with us!

  51. I have three finished quilt tops and one quilt that just needs the binding done. I haven't been able to sew for over a month--too busy with work and end-of the-school-year stuff.

  52. Just working on a table quilt, but I've decided to hand-quilt it so it might take a bit. I just finished sewing up some dresses for my girls for church too.

  53. I'm needing to finish a zigzag quilt for mu daughter's bed.

  54. I am working on my first quilt. It's for the hubbie and I sneak away whenever I can get to work on it. Up the quilting stage. Loving every second of it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  55. I am a follower!

  56. Thanks for the giveaway, Jess! I'm currently working on 4 pillow covers using Habitat (yeah, they've been in the works for a while!). 1 is 100% done, the others just need backs (with covered zips) and then they can be sewn to the quilted fronts.

  57. I'm working on a bow tie onesie.

  58. I am now making table toppers for a craft bazaar next month.

  59. I am a follower of your blog.

  60. I am currently working on the projects for the Zakka Sew Along. I am also making some summer skirts for my daughter.

  61. I also missed FMF the first time around! Thanks for the giveaway! I just finished a pair of pj's for my son out of "Sewing for Boys", and am working on a couple of BOM quilts I hope to finish up soon!

  62. I'm a follower of your blog! THanks again!

  63. Thank you for your generous Giveaway! My current project is a commissioned child's bed throw quilt featuring owl fabrics. Quite a challenge to use the two Fat Quarters provided but it's come together well and I'm now enjoying the hand quilting.
    Linda on

  64. Just become a Follower of your blog
    Linda on

  65. Am new to quilting and the whole blogging world and i love it. The quilting appears to be 'woven' into the very essence of people's lives and community, you cannot get any better than that.

  66. I'm currently finishing off a little girls quilt, and then as we are moving house in 7 weeks (Argh!!!!) i'll be moving very very swiftly on to roman blinds.
    Fingers crossed!

  67. I will be cutting into my fabrics for my Swoon quilt this next week...I hope.

  68. Currently I'm working on the double Wedding Ring quilt. It's my first but I'm loving it!

  69. I'm already a follower of your lovely blog.Thanks for the chance.

  70. I have just started a new quilt with lots of appliqué.

  71. Just finished up some bean bag 'Angry Birds' for grandson and now working on a 'twister' quilt.

  72. My latest project is two twin-sized quilts for two sweet nieces!

  73. I'm currently working on a charity quilt for quilts for kids. :)

  74. I'm finally getting back to finishing up my Sparkle Quilt A-Long quilt. I now have a backing fabric, so I'm getting closer.

  75. I'm a new GFC follower but have been following you through email updates.

  76. I am making a Postage stamp quilt together with some stitcheries & an Eyespy quilt. There's never just 1 thing on the go here.

  77. I'm an email follower.

  78. I have a ton of projects going on. But this week working on a tutorial for a children's book

  79. Current project is a quilt I've designed for my sons birthday.

  80. That's supposed to be Bag not book, I'm tired lol! I am a follower Too!

  81. Currently working on some dresses for my baby girl :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    melissajpalmer at yahoo dot com

  82. Following your blog :)

    melissajpalmer at yahoo dot com

  83. I'm working on the Patchwork Prism quilt atm, to live in our lounge and be a watch the tv wrapped in warmth quilt.

  84. I'm in the middle of hand quilting my starburst quilt u will be a pillow for my son.

  85. I am already a follower. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  86. I've been working on embroidery projects, when I'm not working on a series of picnic bags for my etsy shop. :)

  87. I working on a tshirt quilt right now. It's my first commissioned quilt! Not totally inspiring, but it's more money for fabric, right?

  88. My current project is a very tedious set of five million coasters as end of school year gifts for my son's five million teachers. I'm looking forward to making some simple summery table runners once those are finished. Thanks for the giveaway.

  89. Hi, I'm working on a baby quilt for my friend's granddaughter and then one for my aunt who just moved into assisted living - gotta brighten up her space! Thanks for the giveaway!

  90. I'm a brand new follower! (the best kind LOL)

  91. I'm working on a scrappy baby quilt in pink, orange, lime green and aqua. I just love making baby quilts! Thanks for the chance to win.

  92. I have many projects in the works, but the priority project is a graduation quilt (2013, thankfully!) for my granddaughter Erin.

    leannlafave (at) hotmail (dot) com

  93. I'm a follower.

    leannlafave (at) hotmail (dot) com

  94. I started designing my dresden challenge quilt. It's a good thing I'll have all summer to do it!

  95. I follow. Sarahoviatt

  96. I am trying to finish up some UFOs. I have too many!

  97. I'm trying to finish my kitchen curtains.

  98. I have a few crochet projects going on right now. Ganesh, little horses... And I'm waiting on the yarn to start a bear!

  99. I just started following your blog... last week? I've enjoyed perusing through your past posts and lOVE that summer scoop quilt. :) Anyway, yes, I'm a follower. Pick me.

  100. Great giveaway, Jessica! Up next on my list of projects are bee blocks, more pjs for the kids, more cloth napkins, and baby stuff for our impending arrival. Thanks!

  101. This week I am making myself finish up a few projects so I can start a new Drunkard's Path quilt for my daughter!

  102. Of course I'm also a follower!

  103. I am a follower

    Thanks for the chance
    Cleo Fitzgerald
    cleo (AT)

  104. I am working on a very very special priject at the moment. A beautiful friend of mine was paralysed 2 months ago and has a very long hard road a head of her. I am making her a lap quilt for her to use, she is off to a physical rehab centre next month for 4 months - we are hoping she will get the use of her hands and arms back. Every time she looks at that quilt she will know how much i love and adore her and am with her every second of the way.

    thanks for the chance.
    cleo (AT) techgear

  105. I am actually (and finally) starting on some shorts for myself!

  106. I just took a class on how to design your own stuffed animals (softies) and I created a pattern for a really cute and fat narwhal.

  107. Right now I am working on a few quilts at the same time. Since it get bored easily when sewing becomes just 'doing', I need to go on with another project. But right now I really want to finish two of my dollquilts - they "just" need to be quilted and bound... should be doable, right?

  108. I just became a follower of SewCraftyJess on facebook (easiest way to connect for me...)

  109. I'm working on some quilty projects right now...needing to sew down a binding...and make another quilt.

    Thanks for a chance to win.

  110. I'm a follower. =)

  111. I just finished 8 wristlets and 2 clutches for my sister's wedding. Maybe a cute skirt now.

  112. I'm already a follower,,,,and I just finished making 2 quilts for kids at Angels Arms in St. Louis.

  113. I work now on a quilt for my son (with a zoo alphabet panel in the middle), his first big quilt as he sleeps now in a big bed! Thanks for this giveaway!

  114. I'm mostly working on projects for my Etsy shop and local crafts shows, but I hope to start on a baby quilt for my sister who's having a baby in a few months.

  115. I am making dresses for Africa and a quilt for a final adoption party for a friend.

  116. So many things in the works, how to pick just one! Haha! The project I started most recently was a stack of skirts for me to wear to work, as summer (and 100 degree temps!) are quickly approaching! :) Thanks for the chance to win.

  117. My latest crafty project is some new curtains for my office... yippee! I'm so ready to be done with them, though! It's lots and lots of fabric!

  118. I just finished 10 fabric baskets for my daughter's room. Now, onto leggings and some other stuff from sewing modkid style :)


  119. And I'm a follower!

  120. My latest project is a quilt commissioned by my best bud's Mom for my best bud's daughter. And it's overdue so I should be working on it rather than entering giveaways! :) Thanks for the chance to enter!

  121. Actually I'm working on my exams XD but I planned to sew another hobo bag cause the one I'm using is getting worn-out :)

    porcukorborso at gmail dot com

  122. Flea Market Fancy! I've been hoarding the stuff, since I missed it the first time around. I'm so glad to see it in so many giveaways... :)

    I've just finished sewing my kids' summer clothes & am about to start on a couple of kites (from the book 'One-Yard Wonders') for my niece & one of my daughter's friends. Birthday gifts... xo

  123. became a GFC follower as Szappanbubi

    porcukorborso at gmail dot com

  124. I am currently working on some swap projects! Thanks for teh giveaway!

  125. I am a new follower! Thanks again!

  126. Pretty fabric! I'm currently working on a million things, but I need to find some time to make some baby gifts for my pregnant BFF (bibs, burp cloths, lovely, etc.).

  127. wow, I feel like I have about 36 WIP's! Most recently, I've been finishing up a bright summer pillow cover!

  128. Hmmm.....finishing up a "On a Whim" by Thimbleblossoms quilt using Denyse Schmidt it so far:-)

  129. too many! i've got the patchwork prism, the retro flowers, handstiched class is about to start, an i'm trying to invent a houndstooth pattern . . . we'll see how that goes!

  130. Current project - ordered a scrap bag from Hawthorne Threads and challenged myself to make a baby quilt using only the colours in the bag....very interesting! Would love to win the Flea Market Fancy. Thanks for the chance.

  131. I am working on my family tree quilt!

  132. I am working on absolutely no new projects. Too many WIPs!

  133. Hi, Jessica. I am currently working on a quilt for friends who just got married, but I have agreed to make bow-ties for groom and groomsmen of another friend's wedding in December. I have never made a bow-tie so fingers crossed that they turn out well. Thank you for sharing your flea market fancy!
    (hrmaris at yahoo dot com)

  134. Already a follower and love your blog!

  135. I have just finished a couple of projects and am working on the Japanese X and + blocks and just bought some Summerville that is calling out. Just need to decide on a design.

    Love the flea market fancy too!

  136. I'm a new blog follower!!! Great blog :)

  137. I'm currently working on finishing a secret mini quilt for a gift. Thanks for the chance!

  138. i'm working on a pair of treasure pocket pants for my son. thanks!

  139. My current project is a shirt for my son. It just needs to be hemmed and snaps put on. Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful fabric! :)

  140. I am hand quilting my KJR granny square quilt. I plan to take my time, hopefully it will be done by the end of summer!

  141. I'm currently learning how to smock and finishing a quilt for my nephew.

  142. I'm a follower. I always love the vibrant colors of your quilts!

  143. I already get your blog posts in my e-mail (LOVE that invention). I love those new fabrics too! I'm working on a zig zag lighting pillow cover to go with a quilt I'm making for my hubby for his first Father's Day.

  144. I am sewing diaper covers....

  145. My latest project is a whole slew of key fobs in between piecing a quilt top.

  146. I am a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

  147. My current project is an anniversary wall hanging wit a baby quilt from the left-overs.

  148. I'm still plodding away at my hexagons...over halfway now!!

  149. I'm a follower - thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  150. I'm working on a double wedding ring quilt from my scrap pile!

  151. I'm frantically trying to finish quilting a baby quilt for my cousin so I can start on a picnic quilt for me! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  152. i am making a granny square quilt for my daughter thanks for the giveaway

  153. Visiting from Sew Mama Sew. Thanks for the giveaway! I'll be working on baby quilts all Summer, and hoping to squeeze in time to make my own Granny Square quilt too.

    lindseyjunk (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

  154. I am a follower! and enjoying it!

  155. I have a long list of projects to finish, as my daughter has "instructed" me to make her lots of skirts, dresses, and quilts. Not necessarily in that order either. :)

  156. I've just finished the "double fat jack" union jack block from Lily's Quilts. Really pleased with the result!

  157. I'm about to start a pair of Figgy's Banyan shorts

  158. I'm starting out with some simple and cute makeup bags :]

  159. Just finished a block with a semi truck - a car carrier - that I improvised, for a Bee. Came out pretty good, if I do say so myself, lol

  160. I am currently working on a Log cabin quilt in charcoal and ice frappe

  161. The last project that I sewed on (like most people, I have several going on at once!) is a set of purple, maroon, and gold sampler blocks that will become a quilt for my big sister. Ok the color scheme sounds kinda old-fashioned, but it's built around the maroon and pink Mendocino fabrics.

  162. I'm working on a baby quilt... for our first baby. :) I have one cut out of Little Apples and another one out of blues/greens.

  163. I'm working on a double wedding ring quilt right now.

  164. I plan on sewing myself a new bag. Thanks for the giveaway!

  165. I'm making curtains for my sewing room/guest bedroom!
    mandiprout80 at gmail dot com

  166. I just finished hand quilting a baby quilt for a friend that pieced it but didn't get finished. Can't wait to give it to the new baby born yesterday!
    carrie dot hare @

  167. I've been working on a quilt for a few days - it's color scheme is red and blue, and I'm using fabrics I found at an antique store, as well as some fun new prints. :)
    PS Thank you for hosting a giveaway, the flea market fancy is a ridiculously awesome prize!

  168. PS I am a follower, very glad I found your blog! :)

  169. I follow you via email! awolk at rogers dot com

  170. I am making a patchwork picnic tablecloth for my mom's birthday in June! awolk at rogers dot com

  171. I'm currently working on a spiderweb quilt, using some vintage fabric.
