
Monday, May 9, 2011

pillow makeover: part 2

I finished up two more pillows to go with these two, for a pretty set of four all nestled in their new home in my living room.

I wanted a simple patchwork design here, so I used 4 1/2 finished squares in a random design and then cut it down to measure 17 inches square.  My pillow forms were 18 inches and 16 inches, and I like a nice tight fitting cover, so I cut the front and envelope back for a snug fit.  I decided not to quilt or line these, because I was feeling lazy (haha), but with them fitting so snug, I think it works.

I think this pillow is my favorite of the four.  I sashed 2 inch finished squares on point with 1 inch sashing for this pretty lattice like peek through effect.  I finished all the pillows with a simple envelope backing, because I didn't have any invisible zippers on hand and didn't feel like making yet another trip to Joann's (and envelope backs are easy!)

Here are all four of our new pillows snuggled on our love seat, I must say I'm quite smittin' with these, now the challenge is to keep the crazy dogs off the couches!


  1. These look great! Fantastic colors. I need to do this for my poor neutral family room.

  2. I love those pillows! The colors and varying patterns are wonderful!

  3. The pillows are gorgeous! If you figure out how to keep dogs off the couch... Please let us know how you did it!


  4. Oooh! I love them all. They look fabulous!

  5. They look fab! I think my favourite is the same as yours :)
