
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

WIP Wednesday {5.11.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Better late than never here, sneaking in a WIP Wednesday post at the 11th hour!

Completed Projects

Scrappy Rainbow Quilt

Scrappy Rainbow Quilt

I finished up the quilting and binding on the Scrappy Rainbow quilt, and after a quick trip through the washer and dryer for some crinkley goodness this quilt is nestled on the couch and ready for some snuggling!

Project Pillow Makeover

patchwork pillows

Making pillows for the couch has been on my to do list for some time now, and this weekend I got down to it.  I used mostly prints that I picked up at Joann's mixed with a few solids and now these lovelies are giving my living room a much needed mini facelift.  More on the designs are here and here.

New/In progress Projects

Perfectly Pleated Clutch

This months bag in the Amy Butler Sew Along hosted by Bree of My Crafty Crap is the Perfectly Pleated Clutch.  Now,  I haven't exactly been keeping up with every bag each month, but from the time I purchased this book, I knew this was a "must make" for me.  

I am using these Kitty Yoshida Prospect Park prints for the main outside part and the lining, and am still partially undecided on the fabric for the top band.

I have one of the pleated panels completed, and I must say, I'm in love.  I just love the way these pleats look and am itching to get the bag sewn together and take it out on the town!

As for the band at the top of the bag, I was initially thinking of this coordinating Prospect Park floral print on the left, but I wasn't overly crazy about it.  I happened to set the pleated portion next to this Black/Grey Riley Blake Bead Chain print that I picked up at my favorite LQS this weekend, and I think I really like it!  I'm hoping to get this bag finished up in the next few days, so stay tuned!

Sew Fun/Solid Bee

June is my month for both the Solid Bee and the Sew Fun Bee, and I think I want to add to the Spiderweb blocks I had my bee mates in the Simply Strings Bee make for me back in the fall.

I need to cut this stack of fabric down into 24 packages to be sent out at the end of the month, good thing me and my rotary cutter are good friends, because we will be spending a lot of time together.  I'm really excited to get all these blocks back and get a quilt top put together though!

Quilt tops awaiting quilting
  • Central Park Baby Quilt
  • Postage Stamp Quilt

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 3
Completed Projects: 2
Ongoing Projects: 5
  • Amy Butler Sew Along
  • Sew Fun/Solid Bee
  • Postage Stamp Quilt
  • Central Park Baby Quilt
  • May Bee Blocks
Be sure to pop over to Freshly Pieced and check out everyones WIPs!


  1. Oh, I love the fabric for your pleated purse! It looks fabulous. Those spiderweb blocks are really cool too, I don't think I've ever seen them in solids.

  2. I love what the pleats did to the fabric for the clutch. Just gorgeous!

  3. oh, your rainbow quilt is fantastic! Just lovely!

    And your pillows are amazing. In fact all of your projects are! Inspiring!

  4. OH wow, I absolutely LOVE, love, love how your pleated panel looks! That pattern is just perfect for the pleating. I can't wait to see it finished up. Hmmm...I like both band choices, I don't think you can go wrong with either one.

  5. WOW, everything is so beautiful, the first rainbow quilt is awesome! Love the pillow and the fabric for your clutch! You have the hard part done, the rest of the clutch goes together so quickly!

    I'm thinking of doing a spiderweb for my month in one of my bees, I just have to figure out what tutorial to use! Yours is beautiful!

  6. I just love that fabric for your clutch! Awesome.


  7. I just love the fabric for the clutch...awesome!


  8. LOVE the pillows & fabric you used! I think it's gorgeous! All your projects are wonderful... You're SO talented!

  9. I saw your cushions earlier in the week but couldn't get around to comment, they are really lovely, love the fabrics and the design. And your bee blocks are so cute! Plus I like how your bag is coming on, I'm still procrastinating on making that one!

  10. I love how your pleated clutch looks so far . . . it's just perfect! And you can't go wrong with either choice for the top band. All of your projects are wonderful!

  11. That scrappy rainbow quilt is AWESOME!!!

  12. Love all your completed projects but I really love the rainbow scrapy quilt. I guess it's the bright colors and the combination of colors.
