I can hardly believe we have already said goodbye to 2014 and hello to 2015! When I look back on 2014 I'm of course consumed with images of our sweet Nora and how crazy fast she is growing, but when I focus on what went on in my sewing room, I'm actually pleasantly surprised that I did complete a few quilts!

1. Christmas Tree Skirt 2. Blueberry Pluses 3. Large and In Charge Man Quilt 4. Baby Leon's Strip Quilt 5. Snazzed Up Cheater Quilt 6. Woodland Triangles 7. Sidekick Tote 8. 2014 Once Upon a Time Sampler 9. Sew Together Bag
Of course I wasn't nearly as productive as I have been in previous years, but you know what, I'm ok with it. I'm figuring out how to fit a hobby that I enjoy into my life now, and yes that means that days go by that my sewing machine doesn't see any action, but it brings all the more joy and satisfaction when I get to sit behind and work on projects I truly enjoy.
I actually have my first quilt of 2015 complete, that was made of these yummy stack of fabric, that I paired with a few prints from my Far Far Away bundle that I have been

I'll be sharing more about this quilt soon, I want mommy and baby to be surprised when it shows up on their doorstep!
As far as what 2015 has in store, my main goal is to keep things flexible. I always want my time spent sewing to be relaxing and enjoyable. The first way to make that not happen is to set goals and deadlines that end up being unreachable.
So my plan for 2015 is to not have a plan! We'll see where that takes me, I'm sure there will be plenty of baby quilts, and I'd love to dig back into my WIP closet and finish a few of those off, I mean I loved those projects enough to start them, why not finish them up?
I'm also making it a point to sew from my stash (and scrap bins!) Of course I'm sure there will be new fabric that makes its way to me, but my fabric shelves have runneth over, so the best way to remedy that problem is to sew it into something lovely.
Thanks again for checking in with this blog every now and again, it really does bring joy to be able to share my quilting and sewing projects with a group of people who are just as passionate as I am!
Happy 2015!
I've read your blog and I've enjoyed seeing your quilts. Woodland Triangles baby quilt is my favorite from this year. I love the colors and the idea of the letter. Can't wait to see what you make this year. Happy and Quilty 2015!