Just taking a few moments to crawl out from under my new mommy rock and say hello! I don't have anything of the crafty nature to share, but I did turn on my sewing machine for the first time in almost two months yesterday, dusted off the cobwebs and sewed a few stitches! I still can't believe I have an almost two month old, there are days when I look at that smiling face (yes shes smiling intentionally now!) and am in awe that she's ours to keep! Since I don't have anything quilty to share, how about some cute pictures of what has been occupying my time??

These were her newborn pictures, so angelic! You would never have known she was screaming her head off 5 minutes prior!

We are due for our 7 week picture today, I'm really enjoying taking these weekly pictures, of course using a new quilt each week as a backdrop for as long as I can. Its amazing to see how much she has changed in just 7 short weeks!
I promise every post won't be baby overload, I should actually have sewing related posts soon! I have two Christmas gifts I'm working on stitching up, and an updated tutorial to the Christmas Tree Skirt mini tutorial with more detailed instructions and fabric requirements, as I've been getting lots of questions lately! Happy holiday stitching :-)