I know she's only 3 months old, but this weekend Nora made her first DIY project! Ok, she may have had a little help with it, but I'm thinking if I start her young she'll be my DIY/sewing buddy for years to come. I'm already eyeing this Hello Kitty sewing machine, although getting it for her first birthday may be jumping the gun a little bit!

From before she was born, I knew I wanted to make something like this, and had saved a spot on the wall in her nursery for our first joint Pinterest project. I had pinned this footprint artwork for reference and used it as inspiration for creating Nora's.

As for the how-to's, I used PicMonkey, which I use to edit my blog photos to create the text. I selected the "design" tab, and selected an 8 x 10 canvas and played around with different fonts and colors until I had a layout I was happy with. Then I saved it as a jpeg file and was able to print my finished page on white cardstock. I really couldn't be happier with how it turned out, it looks quite professional if I do say so myself!

As for Nora's part, I purchased a pink washable inkpad from Michaels and we went to town covering the bottom of her foot in pink ink and then stamping her footprint onto the cardstock. I did print a few copies so we had a couple chances to get a good set of prints. It took about three tries, daddy had the job of holding Nora, and I would guide her foot into place on the cardstock. Even after three tries we still could only get 4 toes to show up on the right foot, that fifth toe apparently wasn't in an arts and crafts sort of mood.

I am so happy I put this little project together, it looks so nice framed and hanging on her wall, and when the little lady gets older and decides she doesn't want it displayed anymore, it will make a great addition to her baby book to remind us of how tiny those toes were once upon a time.