I almost forgot that I owe you a winner today! I have to say I really enjoyed reading everyone's Valentine's traditions! I had no idea that Valentines was really on a "thing" here in the States! Learn something new every day.
The hubs and I don't really do any thing crazy, he usually sends the requisite flowers to my work (which is just about my favorite thing :-) ), and the last few years we've started going to one of our favorite restaurants with another set of couple friends, usually not on the day its self, but on the closest weekend. This has become a great tradition to look forward to every year, good food, good friends...can't beat it!
Without further ado, Mr. Random has selected #8-Deborah, as the winner of the $25 gift certificate to Hot Pink Stitches! Deb said she likes to put little hearts in her boys lunch boxes on Valentines Day telling them she loves them. Too sweet! Deb you should have received a confirmation email from me, to claim your winnings.
Thanks again to everyone who entered!
Thanks so much Jess. You have made my day!