Monday, March 26, 2012

Completed Quilt::Retro Flowers

retro flowers baby quilt

In between things like finishing up our cabinets this weekend, and seeing the Hunger Games (which was awesome) and various assorted errand-runnings, I managed to squeeze in some sewing time and finished up my Retro Flowers baby quilt!

retro flowers baby quilt

I started this quilt about a month or so ago, and other projects just seemed to get in the way, so it feels nice to check this one off the list.  This quilt is based off the Retro Flowers pattern by Christina of the Sometimes Crafter.  I think my blocks ended up a little different than the pattern because I used my Accquilt GO! and Drunkards Path die which made very quick work of the cutting step, but the blocks ended up at about 11 inches finished.  


I also tried a new (to me) method for sewing curves.  I've always been an avid pinner for sewing curves.  The more pins the better, in my book.  I went out on a limb and attempted sewing pinless curves.  I followed along with Leann's tutorial and could not believe how perfect my curves were!  Now it certainly took a few practice runs to get the hang of it, but I have to say these are the prettiest most accurate curves I've ever sewn.  No puckers, no sharp icky angles I would sometimes get with pins, AND it was so fast!  Like speed lightening quick.

retro flowers baby quilt

This quilt is for baby Alyssa who was just one week old yesterday.  Her nursery is done in the prettiest shades of aqua with accents of pink.  I knew immediately I wanted to do soft aquas, greys and yellows (one of my favorite color combinations), but when I finished piecing the quilt, I thought it needed something "girly" since the top was so gender neutral.  I decided on this Timeless Treasures Crosshatch Sketch in Lipstick for the binding.  These crosshatches are quickly becoming my favorite blender/binding fabric, and this bring pink brought just the girly pop of color I was looking for. 

retro flowers baby quilt

As for the back I did something I don't usually do, and just used one continuous cut of fabric, forgoing a pieced back.  I have to be honest, it was part laziness and part that I just happened to have a 1 1/4 yd cut of  this DS Quilt Collection Plaid Pink fabric on hand, that it seemed like it was just meant to be.  

retro flowers baby quilt

I really could not be happier with how this quilt has come together, congrats Julie and Andy and welcome baby Alyssa!

Quilt Stats
Quilt Name:  Alyssa's Retro Flowers
Pattern:  Retro Flowers
Size: 40" square
Fabrics: Quilt Top: Assorted aquas, greys and yellows from stash, Kona White, Quilt Back: DS Quilt Collection Aunt Edna Plaid Pink
Quilting:  Allover loopy stipple done by me

I will be linking up to Sew Modern Monday, head over to Canoe Ridge Creations and add your modern finish!


  1. So cute! I absolutely want to try! I have been afraid of the curves - but maybe I'll give it a shot afterall!

  2. This is so sweet! Thanks for mentioning that you used the drunkard's path die. I have that one too, and that makes this pattern seem doable!

  3. This looks WONDERFUL! Great finish, Jess! Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!

  4. Love the pink binding, absolutely the perfect finishing touch :)

  5. Entirely Awesome!
    Thanks for the inspiration... maybe I'll put aside my fear of curves and give this one a try!

  6. Just dreamy...I love the yellow/aqua/grey combo, and your curves are perfection. Beautiful job!

  7. Eeeeek! This is the cutest thing ever, in all my favorite colors and fabrics! I just finished my second block, but now after seeing yours, I hope to get at least 9 done. :)

  8. This is so cute, Jessica! Your curves really do look perfect. And I love the not-too-girly color scheme!

  9. Girl this is amazing!! I hope that you'll enter into the Retro Flower QAL at the end of's worth trying to win a prize! :) Check out the flickr group...

  10. Gorgeous. Suddenly I felt an urge....Oh My, I sense another project coming!

  11. Such a beautiful quilt Jess! Love the pop of pink you have used for the binding and the back too:)

  12. I was going to suggest that you join the retro flower qal, but I see that Bianca beat me to it!

  13. It turned out beautiful!! your are fast girl.

  14. gorgeous quilt jess - you really make some wonderful things ;)

  15. Gorgeous quilt, Jess!
    Wonderful fabrics, and the pink binding is so sweet! You are FAST -- refinishing your kitchen cabinets AND finishing a retro flowers quilt -- WOW!

  16. I just signed up for the QAL for this quilt. I love you finish

  17. Yay, it looks fab! I just signed up for the QAL too, but I have no idea what fabric to use yet...

  18. Your quilt is beautiful and I am so glad the tutorial helped you. I bet you never pin a curve again, I sure don't.

  19. Wow! That is so fresh and modern. I have not yet tried curved piecing.
