Tuesday, May 31, 2011

WIP Wednesday {6.1.2011}

Wednesday already?  This week WIP Wednesday is over at Elizabeth's, how fun is that??  Be sure to stop over and check out what's going on this week!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Completed Projects

Baby Sewing

This past Saturday I attended a baby shower and wanted to put together a fun gift for mom and baby.  I made three of these bibs using this tutorial from sewshesews.  I also put together this fun diaper wreath with all sorts of baby extras, like pacifiers, onesies, and of course little cute toys and soft stuffed animals.

Bee Stuff

Today I sent out what seemed like nine hundred manilla envelopes filled with what else, but fabric!  June is my month to be the "queen bee" in both the Sew Fun bee and the Solids Bee, while this will be awesome when the completed blocks start rolling in later this month, it was slightly headache inducing cutting and packing up 22 different zip lock baggies of fabric!  Needless to say, I'm glad to have this crossed off the to do list.  I also finished up May's bee blocks that also went out in the mail today.  It really does feel so good to get these smaller projects done so I can turn my focus to this...

In Progress

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

Slow and steady wins the race.  That is my motto with this quilt.  I actually had a quick fleeting thought as I finished putting together the first row of "What about a double wedding ring table runner??"  Haha.  No no, I kid, I kid, but seriously, this is by far the most difficult quilt I've tackled yet.  I will say, it is so motivating to start seeing how this is going to come together as I add each block to my design wall. 

These are the next 8 arcs to be attached to the "melons" as the directions call them...and the resulting fabric scraps.  The pattern I am using for this quilt has you paper piece each arc, which does result in quite a lot of fabric scrap, however using this method guarantees that your seams are 100% accurate when piecing all the arcs, which I think is a huge help for me at least.

For anyone who has done a quilt like this, any tips for attaching the rows to each other??  The directions I have aren't overly detailed, which has been ok to this point, but I'm anticipating a possible struggle at that step.  I'm thinking I'll pin each arc, and almost sew each arc separately, instead of the entire row at one time?  Hmmm...I suppose I still have time to figure that part out... 

Quilt tops awaiting quilting

Central Park Baby Quilt
Postage Stamp Quilt

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 0
Completed Projects: 3
Ongoing Projects: 5

May Bee Blocks
Postage Stamp Quilt
Central Park Baby Quilt
Double Wedding Ring Quilt
Apron Project (cousin's bridal shower)

10 zip pouches (cousin's bridal shower)
Kitchen themed gift basket (cousin's bridal shower)...oh the joys of being a bridesmaid! :-)
June Block Prep
Baby Sewing

Monday, May 30, 2011

queen bee

Whew!  Projects 2 and 3 have been checked off my list.  June is my month in both the Solids bee and the Sew Fun bee, and I am requesting my fellow bee mates make more spiderweb blocks to go with these ones the awesome ladies of the simply strings bee made for me back in October.  

blocks I received for October-Simply Strings bee

These blocks have been hanging out in my UFO pile for a few months now, just waiting for June to roll around for my month in my other two bees.  Again, I am using this tutorial from Quilt It.  I can't wait to see how all these blocks look together!

Needless to say I will be keeping the post man quite busy (or shall I say the hubs will be keeping the post man busy, as he will be so graciously taking these for me) on Tuesday to mail all these packages out!

In other bee news, and in true procrastination fashion I wanted until the last possible moment to get my May bee blocks completed, so that they could be mailed back to their homes on the absolute last day of May (phew!)

This block is for Alice in the Sew Fun bee.  She asked for any kind of wonky square block (how fun!)  I think this is the wonkiest block I've ever made, and I must say I think I put these blocks off so long because I was slightly intimidated, but I have to say once I started, it was really fun!  

She sent one center fussy cut fabric for us to use and a bunch of random strips to do as we please.  I decided on this wonky log cabin-ish block, and am quite happy with how it turned out!

Lynda, from the Simply Strings bee sent along a paper kite template and lots of pretty bright fabric strips and asked that we string piece the kite template.  I am really excited to see what she does with these blocks and what the quilt will look like!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sew Mama Sew Givaway Winner

First, I just have to say I was blown away by all the entries to win the giveaway!!  I usually respond to all comments, but with such an overwhelming response, I was unable to keep up with all the comments!!  Thanks so much everyone!

And now for the winner...

Mr. Random has chosen comment #218!  (please, if anyone can tell me how to copy the picture of the random number generator, I would greatly appreciate it :-) )

Jenny said...
I'm a new follower :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

back in the groove

I work best with lists.  Lists that I can physically see what needs done, and can check it off after its completed.  Things were getting slightly out of hand down in my sewing room, with nine million projects running through my head, and no real sense of organization or order of importance.  So, I made a list.  And now feel 1000% better that I have a sewing plan of attack.

#1 on my list were these bibs for a friend who's baby shower is on Saturday (nothing like the last minute, right?).  These are so easy and fun to make and I again used Jamie's tutorial from sewshesews to make these patchwork quilted bibs.

My favorite part of making these by far is playing with my fun kiddie fabric, I used some Robert Kaufman Play Day on the top two bibs and then some Alexander Henry 2d Zoo on the last bib with a few coordinating prints out of my stash (hello polka dots!).  

I am pairing these bibs with a diaper wreath complete with all sorts of fun baby extras.

These diaper wreaths are such a fun way to display all sorts of little baby toys and extras, I've included a few pacifiers, small bottle, a few onesies, some soft toys and some teethers for when baby gets a little older.  

add some pretty ribbon...

I like to get a few of those painted wood shapes ( I did planes, trains and trucks on this wreath) and hot glue them to the ribbons that tie the onesies to the wreath for a little added bit of fun

...and voila, an adorable baby shower gift that is sure to please!

This was a fun project to complete that now has a check mark next to it on my list.  Up next are all things quilting bees!  

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

WIP Wednesday {5.25.2011}

Thanks for visiting!  If you are looking for my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway post, it can be found here.  There's still time to enter to win!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I will forwarn you, I have been a complete sewing slacker this week, and unfortunately do not have much to show.  It just seemed that every time I had planned to sit down and get some sewing done, something else came up that needed my attention.  Don't you hate when that happens??  Well, that coupled with a nasty case of sunburn I encountered this past weekend, has had me wanting to do as little moving around as possible.

In Progress

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

I did buckle down last night (while watching Hines win the Mirror Ball trophy!!) and get to work on my double wedding ring quilt.  I pieced together two more blocks...for a grand total of 3 complete blocks.  I think that leaves only 17 more to go...

Please ignore those awful puckers on the block on the left...I'm counting on those crinkling right out once the top is pieced and quilted.  Despite the million times I've already pricked my fingers while pinning all those darn curves, I really am happy with how this is turning out.  Slow and steady is definitely the way with this, I have a little over 2 months to get this finished up...and I think I will take just about every second of that time to do so!

New Projects

Baby Shower Gift
No pictures to show here...I have a baby shower to attend this Saturday, and it has kind of snuck up on me!  I am planning to get some baby sewing done this evening, I'm thinking a few baby bibs, possibly some burp cloths and a diaper wreath will do just the trick!

Quilt tops awaiting quilting

Central Park Baby Quilt
Postage Stamp Quilt

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 0
Ongoing Projects: 7

May Bee Blocks
Postage Stamp Quilt
Central Park Baby Quilt
Double Wedding Ring Quilt
Bride-y Sewing
June Block Prep
Baby Sewing

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day

****This Giveaway is now closed****

It's Giveaway Day!  Welcome all from Sew Mama Sew, I'm glad you are stopping by.  This is the first time I am participating in Giveaway Day, and am so excited to have something handmade to give away.  Now on to the good stuff:

Michelle from City House Studio and I joined forces to bring you this giveaway of a handmade pincushion and matching pin toppers.  The pincushion was made by Michelle and features this adorable out of print Heather Ross fish fabric and coordinating polka dot prints.  

I added these fun pin toppers made of polymer clay to play with Swimmy.  And guess what??  If you head over to City House Studio, Michelle has a second set of this adorable pin cushion and matching pin toppers set that is up for grabs!!

Now for the nitty gritty, here's how to enter:

1.  Leave me a comment telling my about your latest or current crafty project.  (If you are a no-reply blogger, please include your e-mail in your post!)
2.  How about we add one more chance to win, become a follower, and leave me a comment, or leave a comment letting me know if you already are! (again, make sure I have your contact info if it's not listed in your profile)

The giveaway will be open until Friday, May 27th at 9:00 AM EST.  

Mr. Random draw one winner and notify him/her about their winnings (again, please please make sure I have a way to contact you, if the winner does not have contact info listed either in their profile or in their comment, a second winner will be drawn).

I am willing to ship internationally, so all are welcome!

Again, be sure to head over to Michelle's blog for a chance to win a second pin cushion and topper set!

****This Giveaway is now closed****

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WIP Wednesday {5.18.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Oh Wednesday, why must you sneak up on me so??  Here's what I've been up to!

Completed Projects

Amy Butler Perfectly Pleated Clutch

I finished up my Perfectly Pleated Clutch out of the Amy Butler Style Stitches book, and I am oh so happy with it!  I am quasi following along with Bree of My Crafty Crap's Amy Butler Sew Along, and I've actually completed the project for the month!  I have the perfect outfit planned for this clutch (yes, I planned an outfit around a bag and not the other way around!) to take out on the town for my cousin's bachelorette party this weekend, should be a good time!  You can read more about this clutch here.

New Projects

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

These scrumptious 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch Aviary 2 rectangles are painstakingly slowly turning into this:

Yes, I do believe I am claiming temporary insanity when I decided to tackle a double wedding ring quilt.  I knew I wanted to make a quilt for my cousin who is getting married in August, but couldn't decide on what I wanted to do.  After seeing this quilt on flickr, I knew this was what I wanted to do, and then to discover the pattern is actually called a double wedding ring quilt, how much more perfect could it be?

I am using Joel Dewberry's Aviary 2 and Kona Bone as the background fabric.  While I am absolutely loving the look of this, I can't help but think "one ring down, 19 to go" and then I think "what the heck was I thinking??!?!"... I have a feeling this will be a quilt that I work on little bits at a time, hopefully I can get it done in time for the wedding.  I am using the Jennifer Paganelli pattern found here.  The arches are paper pieced, which is really helping to keep everything accurate.  I figure working with this many curves is challenging enough, at least I know that my piecing is spot on this way, and it seems to be working well...painfully slow, but well.

I have a few other smaller projects I have added to my plate as well.  I've volunteered to make some of these pouches for above mentioned cousins bridal shower as "prizes" for all those silly bridal shower games that are mandatory :-)  I think I volunteered myself to make an apron as well...and a gift basket now that I think of it.  Oh my, I was apparently feeling quite generous at that bridesmaid meeting!

Quilt tops awaiting quilting
  • Central Park Baby Quilt
  • Postage Stamp Quilt
This Weeks Stats

New Projects:  2
Completed Projects: 1
Ongoing Projects:  5
  • May Bee Blocks
  • Postage Stamp Quilt
  • Central Park Baby Quilt
  • Double Wedding Ring Quilt
  • Bride-y Sewing
Be sure to pop over to Freshly Pieced and add your WIPs!

Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm Featured: Modern Day Quilts

Modern Day Quilts

My Scrappy Rainbow quilt is being featured today on Modern Day QuiltsModern Day Quilts features a picture a day of one great modern quilt.  I'm honored to be among the amazing quilts and quilters that Heather features daily.  Be sure to pop over and check it out, and peruse through the back logs of simply stunning quilts.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Perfectly Pleated Clutch: Finished

I finished up my Perfectly Pleated Clutch from the Amy Butler Style Stitches book, and am very pleased with the end result!  Bree from My Crafty Crap is hosting a 12 month sew along working our way through the Style Stitches book.  You can check out the awesome flickr pool with everyone's finishes to date.  This is the fifth bag in the book, and I love it.  I haven't exactly been following along each and every month, but this bag was a "must sew" from the time I bought the book.

For the main panel print I used one of the floral prints with the birds from Kitty Yoshida's Prospect Park line and the accent fabric is Bead Chain by Riley Blake.  I had seen a few others adding a little broach or flower for a little added interest, and thought I'd follow suit.  I've had this green broach for some time now, and thought it would work well.  

I just love the interest the pleating adds to this bag.  I will have to remember pleating as an option for projects in the future.  I made the medium sized bag and it is a really nice size for clutch.  Certainly can hold quite a bit, but not overly large.

Here are the back of the clutch and the lining detail.  The pattern called for making the handle out of the accent fabric, but I wasn't sure how much it will actually get used, and I wanted it to blend a little better, so I used the main panel fabric.  

While as a whole I do really love this clutch, I do have a few gripes and mini adjustments to the pattern. 

1.  For starters, you absolutely do not need nearly two yards of fabric she calls for in the fabric requirements. I'm glad I read Bree's post about this before beginning.  I cut my fabric the necessary 9 inches wide, but instead of one continuous cut, I cut 9 inches x WOF and then pieced a second 9 inches x 20 or so inches for the necessary 65ish inches necessary for the pleating.  This meant that instead of needing 1 7/8 yards of fabric, you really only need about 3/4 yard.  Much Better.

2.  Instead of installing the zipper like the instructions call for, I used the same method I used when making all those little pouches.  I made the little zipper tabs using Kelly's tutorial again, and as usual, had a very nice result. 

3.  I wish this clutch were a tad sturdier.  I guess I should have figured that only using the mid weight interfacing called for in the pattern would not result in a super stiff clutch.  I don't know, I guess I was thinking that all those pleats would add something extra as well.  If (and I'm sure I will) make this again, I would use either a stiffer layer of interfacing in between the outer and lining fabric, or consider using some fusible fleece to give it some extra weight.  It's not a major issue, sew and learn I suppose.  

All in all this pattern was quite easy to follow, by far getting the hang of the pleats was the most challenging and time consuming part, the rest of the bag went together quite easily and quickly.    


The more I was looking at this clutch, the more I realized that unfortunately because it was so flimsy I likely wasn't going to use it in a purse like capacity.  After thinking about it, I realized it wouldn't be very difficult to take out the seam in opening of the lining, turn the bag inside out, and cut some fusible fleece and iron it on to the interfaced back side of the outer fabric.  

I did just that, now I know its not super secure as the fleece is just ironed on and not sewn into the seams, but for the purposes I'll be using it for, it'll be ok.  After returning the bag and resewing the opening closed, I was so much more pleased and feel a lot better about it.  It's not super stiff or anything, but has a little more sturdiness and holds its shape much much better.  If and when I make this bag again, I will 100% add the fleece, and possibly some slightly stiffer interfacing.  

Happy sewing!

{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations

I will be linking this post up to Sew Modern Monday hosted by Megan of Canoe Ridge Creations, be sure to pop over and say hi!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bloggers Quilt Festival

Amy's Creative Side

As soon as I realized it was Bloggers Quilt Festival, I knew immediately which quilt I would enter.  Bare with me here, because I just finished and posted about it last week, but I've decided to enter my Scrappy Rainbow quilt, as I think its my favorite quilt I've made to date.

scrappy rainbow quilt

This quilt started really with no direction, aside from using up fabric from my scrap bins.  This was the very first "blue blob" of fabric snippits that evolved into the finished product.

I really had fun piecing the centers of these blocks together randomly and just seeing where things went.  While this didn't make quite as large of a dent in my overflowing baskets of scraps as I'd have liked, I just love picking out all the different fabrics in each block and remembering where I'd used them initially.

I think the repetitive white borders and second color borders help to ground the random center blocks, I'm not an overly huge fan of true "improvisational" piecing, so I think this is a nice balance of order and randomness.  

This fun happy rainbow quilt is one of those quilts that I don't think I could part with if I tried, and is now nestled in its new home on our couch, just waiting to be snuggled.  

Be sure to pop over to the Bloggers Quilt Festival hosted by Amy's Creative Side to check out all the beautiful quilt entries!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

WIP Wednesday {5.11.2011}

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Better late than never here, sneaking in a WIP Wednesday post at the 11th hour!

Completed Projects

Scrappy Rainbow Quilt

Scrappy Rainbow Quilt

I finished up the quilting and binding on the Scrappy Rainbow quilt, and after a quick trip through the washer and dryer for some crinkley goodness this quilt is nestled on the couch and ready for some snuggling!

Project Pillow Makeover

patchwork pillows

Making pillows for the couch has been on my to do list for some time now, and this weekend I got down to it.  I used mostly prints that I picked up at Joann's mixed with a few solids and now these lovelies are giving my living room a much needed mini facelift.  More on the designs are here and here.

New/In progress Projects

Perfectly Pleated Clutch

This months bag in the Amy Butler Sew Along hosted by Bree of My Crafty Crap is the Perfectly Pleated Clutch.  Now,  I haven't exactly been keeping up with every bag each month, but from the time I purchased this book, I knew this was a "must make" for me.  

I am using these Kitty Yoshida Prospect Park prints for the main outside part and the lining, and am still partially undecided on the fabric for the top band.

I have one of the pleated panels completed, and I must say, I'm in love.  I just love the way these pleats look and am itching to get the bag sewn together and take it out on the town!

As for the band at the top of the bag, I was initially thinking of this coordinating Prospect Park floral print on the left, but I wasn't overly crazy about it.  I happened to set the pleated portion next to this Black/Grey Riley Blake Bead Chain print that I picked up at my favorite LQS this weekend, and I think I really like it!  I'm hoping to get this bag finished up in the next few days, so stay tuned!

Sew Fun/Solid Bee

June is my month for both the Solid Bee and the Sew Fun Bee, and I think I want to add to the Spiderweb blocks I had my bee mates in the Simply Strings Bee make for me back in the fall.

I need to cut this stack of fabric down into 24 packages to be sent out at the end of the month, good thing me and my rotary cutter are good friends, because we will be spending a lot of time together.  I'm really excited to get all these blocks back and get a quilt top put together though!

Quilt tops awaiting quilting
  • Central Park Baby Quilt
  • Postage Stamp Quilt

This Weeks Stats

New Projects: 3
Completed Projects: 2
Ongoing Projects: 5
  • Amy Butler Sew Along
  • Sew Fun/Solid Bee
  • Postage Stamp Quilt
  • Central Park Baby Quilt
  • May Bee Blocks
Be sure to pop over to Freshly Pieced and check out everyones WIPs!